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im sick of it - why i disconnect

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Mon, Aug 22 2011 3:20 PM (17 replies)
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  • banebdjed
    43 Posts
    Tue, Aug 16 2011 10:55 AM

    First of all i would just like to apologise to any people that i have quit on during a game. I myself do not like having someone quit on me while i am at the top of my game. Quitting is something i am going to try stop doing.

    However i would just like to put a point across from a quitters point of view. 

    I am sick of having my game sabotaged by WGT, and i am sure that it is the same reason that others also disconnect.

    People are paying good money for equipment and then enjoying a good round when half way through their meter suddenly jumps and hey presto they are in the rough and their score ruined and they are now losing with an uphill task through no fault of their own.

    Fine, perhaps they should put it down to an unforseen stroke of bad luck, like a sudden gust of wind, or accept that in future they need to have faster reactions and skill in order to deal with it pat themselves down and get on with it, but i do know the first reaction when something like this happens is to want to quit and restart.

    Other things really bug me and make me want to disconnect is the WGT automatic club selection.

    Most of the time i do remember to change my club, but there are certain circumstances when the pressure is mounting and it is so blatantly obvious what the proper club is that i dont bother to check. 

    For example, i just quit a game i was 2 strokes ahead on at the 3rd on Bethpage. I had bounced over the green by 33yrds and was looking at a relatively easy pitch that should see me within birdie range to go 1under. I have a 50yrd pitcher so that is absolutely perfect. I am enjoying the round, looking forward to getting my putter out to slot home the gimme, when bang, i draws the line on my meter bar to where i think 33yds is, lets the club swing, hits the ding, and boof, my ball goes skying across the green further than i could hit a 50yrd pitcher full swing. I looks to my club selection and in dismay sees its because WGT automatic club selection tool has selected me my 100yrd pitcher and i forgot to change it. WHY WOULD IT SELECT MY 100YRD PITCHER?

    Ok, you might say it is my fault, i should remember to check and change my club, but i am not expecting WGT to select a 100yrd pitcher for a 33yrd strike when i have in my bag a 50yrd pitcher. 

    Amyway, i am at this point absolutely furious that my round already has been sabotaged, the fact i am still winning makes no odds to me. But i decides to knuckle down and carry on when WHAM!

    I rockets across the the edge of the opposite side of the green, i am now 30ft from the hole. I actually thinks if i hit the ding i can perhaps still rescue a birdie and im never to down beat about par. I am almost 100% confident due to the straightness of the putt i can at least get into gimme range. So, still a little dismayed about my last shot i just wants to get back on track quickly in order to regain my confidence. So i draws the line to around halfway up my meter bar and watches in horror as my ball takes off over the green and shoots over 15ft passed the hole. I checks my club selection and sees WGT selected me my 90ft incremint instead of my 30ft incremint. 

    Ok you might say it is my fault i did not change the incremint, But why on earth would anyone select me a 90ft incremint for a 30ft shot when i have a putter with incremints of both 60ft and 30ft.

    So, i am now through no real fault of my own facing a 17ft putt to make par against an opponent looking at birdie that must think i am some kind of clown. So i disconnects.

    I was still winning when i disconnected and i did not disconnect because i was winning or losing. I disconnected because i have paid good money for my clubs, i enjoy the site and its facilities and i can put up with the odd unforeseen misshap, but am fed up having my scores ruined by having to remember to check every detail on the golf shot to make sure WGT has not done something crazy in my shot selection.

    Sometimes i do myself perhaps make the odd crazy selection. I have reasons that i might use a 60ft incremint for a 10ft putt and if play my 10ft putt with a 15ft incremint after forgetting to change the selection then i accept responsibility for that, but only partly.

    I feel on a real golf course this would never happen as you dont have to remember to change the club provided for you. Quite simply there is no club provided for you so you have no choice but to select your own shot and by doing that you are guaranteed to be playing the shot you think you are.

    I think it would be far better if when addressing the ball there is no club in the players hand. It is for the golfer to decide what club he wants to use and what shot he wants to play. 

    I do understand that the auto selection is to help Hacks, but surely by Pro-level the auto selection should be shut off and shot selection purely the choice of the player. In doing this i believe it would reduce the amount of games where people feel their round has been sabotaged after playing a stupid shot they did not choose to play.

    I am sure many people that have disconnected on myself after playing a rediculous shot that makes them look a bad player has disconnected for this type of exact reason.

    In future i will try to remember to keep an eye on what shot im playing and what club im using and remember that no shot is too obvious. Never under-estimate the WGT caddy to suddenly chip in with a 90ft increment for a 4ft putt. I am sure even if it takes a few rounds i will be caught out again and again i will probably feel like disconnecting regardless of the score. 

    I would enjoy far more playing if from the start i had no shot selected so then i have to select my own shot and will never again be sabotaged by that stupid caddy.


    Does anyone else here have any mitigating reasons as to why they disconnect? 



    P.s i know disconnectors are not popular, i myslef never used to but i have became guilty of it more so recently, although it is a bad habit i am going to stop. I just wish that this stupid Caddy would leave me to my own devices

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Aug 16 2011 11:01 AM

    Does anyone else here have any mitigating reasons as to why they disconnect? 

    I'm sure none as lame as yours. Ridiculous.

  • birdwell
    561 Posts
    Tue, Aug 16 2011 3:16 PM

    I only read about 3 sentences.. then I disconnected.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Tue, Aug 16 2011 4:02 PM

    People are paying good money for equipment

    Yes. Paying bad money is stupid unless you can pull it off.

  • Jimbo555
    158 Posts
    Tue, Aug 16 2011 6:12 PM


    Ok, you might say it is my fault, i should remember to check and change my club.

    It's your fault.  You should remember to check and change your club.

    Maybe even check your lie and shot selection.  90 ft putter meter sounds like FRINGE to me.  Standard fringe default selection.

    Golf is like Chess...




  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Aug 16 2011 6:14 PM

    Oh Wow,  I'm speechless.

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Tue, Aug 16 2011 6:23 PM

    i make those miss take when i am drunk  .....i do sometime sober always check what stick and yardage before shouting :) that is why we have 30 60 90 sec to wake up LOL

  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Tue, Aug 16 2011 8:49 PM

    ohh boy

    i wish i woulda quit when the quitting was quitting to quit

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Tue, Aug 16 2011 9:38 PM

    here is my take on this.  there is no good reason to QUIT, except when another golfer in your round is being so distasteful in what is said and done that you are left with no recourse.  that has never happened to me yet, but i can understand how some female players, or others of a more senseative demeanor might do that.  having speed read your entry and checking your statistics, i beleave that you can play a good game, but you still lack sufficient game time.  you are also not doing anything constructive to reduce your problems with the meter.  this is not myth, most meter difficulties are outside the game itself.  most can be corrected just sitting at your consoul and applying the well known, published fixes you can find in the forums.  try harder!  don't be a QUITTER, LOSER, POSER, and a BAD SPORT.  my nickel.

  • OkieX
    175 Posts
    Tue, Aug 16 2011 9:46 PM

    TLDR......but I do have a quarter for the Juke Box and it's playing your song.

    And hey brother, we've all been there, see you on the other side.


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