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how can I get better?

Mon, Jul 8 2019 10:26 AM (41 replies)
  • DoctorLarry
    4,323 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2019 9:40 AM



    More like ball drop.

    Have a nice day...............sweet............

    Your dreaming DoctorLarry, you got served. All I hear is crickets. Post your red-tee proof DoctorLarry. Still waiting... Looking through score histories it looks like the only guy who might be playing red-tees is you.

    What you see in my stats are heavily dependent on the learning curve that most go through on WGT.  They are getting better - and that is what matters.  You saw one friendly CC tournament posted by a friend in a real CC that I played for him.  If you saw anything else close to a red-tee tourney - you must have been looking at someone else's stats.

    Ad hominem attacks indicate one has already lost the argument.  That is why I don't engage in them.

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2019 9:58 AM


    Well said, Robert !!!!! :) :) 100% agree !! 

    - Carl 

    Thanks! I appreciate it. 

  • BogeyOne
    1,998 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2019 10:54 AM

    “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

    Mark Twain
  • ItsTooSweet
    149 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2019 11:09 AM

    Do you routinely give advice somewhere between horrible and sage, but you don't dole out the sage advice?

    "I don't characterize the advice I give. I just give it and hope it's helpful. Sometimes, it hits the mark; other times, not so much. Nevertheless, it's not for me to determine the quality of my own advice. I let others do that, if they want to take the time."

    What a cop out. You're certainly not winning any credibility points with statements like that. Hey DoctorLarry should I do the heart surgery? Well I don't actually characterize my advice as having any real merit that's for others to decide but sure, why not? You just got to laugh.

    I didn't think you would be posting a winning scorecard, or post any top players espousing your guy's starter club theory. There's a reason for that.

    "The reason is simple: I didn't say a person could score well with starters." I said a player could learn a lot about the game while playing starters. What a person learns isn't captured by a scorecard."

    That's right you can't score well with the starters. That's precisely why you do not tell people to waste their time mastering the starters. We're not building rockets here.

    What are you talking about? Your scorecard is the only valid test. The rest is hot air.   Considering your previous statements I'm not sure you or DoctorLarry really understand that. What underlying criteria are you training too? Some mythical level 48 starter club theory.

    Your playing advice should not only translate to the scorecard but also do so in an efficient manner, especially when you are the one giving advice. Credibility matters. DoctorLarry has none and your laissez faire attitude on advice doesn't give you any either.

    All the things that you say you can learn with the starters, you can learn with other clubs too. You act like there is some masterful thing that will be learned by banging around starters for 48 levels.

    You do understand that someone can know what to do or how to do something and still not be able to execute it in a highly proficient manner, yes? 

    Indeed, some of the greatest teachers or instructors are not those who are the best at the game or their profession.

    If it's your contention that DoctorLarry is a great golf instructor but just can't execute you're off your rocker. I have no idea why you are trying to sell that drivel to me. You are just going to have to sell that to someone who is stupid enough to believe that crap. You are aware that some people play well and also give great advice, yes? You are also aware that some people play like crap and give crappy advice, yes?

    No one is saying you have to be the best player in the world but you need to have some credibility. There should be at least some standards. Telling people to waste their time getting proficient with the starter equipment makes me question yours. Level 48 with starter equipment is that a joke?

    I'm a very good teacher (going by course evaluations by both teachers and my peers), but I'm a mediocre (at best) researcher.

    I noticed you didn't post any research to back up DoctorLarry's master the starter's theory. This supposed good advice. I also noticed he didn't post proof that I am a red-tee player. It seems when it comes time to post actual proof you guys are amazingly silent.

    It's false logic to conclude that someone has to play very well in order to give proper advice. 

    What's false logic is to even consider that DoctorLarry is qualified to give playing advice at all. Why don't you explain to everyone DoctorLarry's qualifications. This should be good.


    No one is attacking you personally Robert, just the "horrible advice."

    I didn't say you were attacking me. I said you were snarky, and it's unnecessary. 

    I think you guys are in left field. I'm not buying the snake oil that you guys are selling and if others are smart they won't either. If that's "snarky and unnecessary", it's a chance I'm willing to take.

  • ItsTooSweet
    149 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2019 11:31 AM




    More like ball drop.

    Have a nice day...............sweet............

    Your dreaming DoctorLarry, you got served. All I hear is crickets. Post your red-tee proof DoctorLarry. Still waiting... Looking through score histories it looks like the only guy who might be playing red-tees is you.

    What you see in my stats are heavily dependent on the learning curve that most go through on WGT.  They are getting better - and that is what matters.  You saw one friendly CC tournament posted by a friend in a real CC that I played for him.  If you saw anything else close to a red-tee tourney - you must have been looking at someone else's stats.

    Ad hominem attacks indicate one has already lost the argument.  That is why I don't engage in them.

    You insinuated that I am a red-tee player. Post your proof. There is nothing "ad hominem" about that. Where is your proof? Why are you so silent when it comes to posting proof?

    Pretending that you are in some way morally taking the high ground is a nice deflection. Post your proof. The truth is you can't back up your claims. There is no ad hominem in that?

    You are a liar, and you got called out. Prove I am wrong, should be so easy. Especially for such a smart guy as yourself.

    I challenged you to post any top players or money winners giving your same advice. Absolutely nothing from you. No ad hominem there.

    I challenged you to post a scorecard to prove your point. Astonishingly silent. No ad hominem there.

    Have you actually studied logic?

    Post your proof. Still waiting.

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2019 11:42 AM

    What a cop out. You're certainly not winning any credibility points with statements like that.

    And if I were concerned about winning credibility points, this would worry me. Since I'm not concerned about that, I'm also not worried. My credibility or lack of credibility was established a heck of a long time ago.

    After over 4 years and a few thousand posts, I would guess most people (if not everyone) has made up their mind about me. Some will view me as credible; others, not so much. 


    All the things that you say you can learn with the starters, you can learn with other clubs too.

    The difference is a player doesn't need to spend credits with the starters.


    You act like there is some masterful thing that will be learned by banging around starters for 48 levels

    My point is that a person can learn while saving credits. One of the biggest complaints on these boards is the cost of equipment. My suggestion is that players don't purchase equipment at lower levels that will soon need to be replaced.

    With starters, it doesn't cost anything to learn the courses and course management. I'm convinced that my current sand save and scrambling percentages are a result of having to learn a short game while using the starters. 


    I noticed you didn't post any research to back up DoctorLarry's master the starter's theory.

    That's just silly. It's simply advice that people can choose to follow or not. If people don't believe it's valuable advice, then they will choose not to follow it.

    I'm not trying to prove anything here, which means I'm not going to take time to back up the statement with "research." Indeed, I don't even know what that "research" would look like. 

    Look you think it's horrible advice. Fine. I don't. The rest is just noise. And a lot of it. I think the best summary was provided by HackWilson1930. 


    All this proves is that there are many roads leading us through the fairways and to the greens that we all so love. I know that I can never be fmagnets or WalkOfLife but I go out and play every day. And I come to the forums every day hunting for the postings such as this one where Robert and Chris and DoctorLarry challenge each other in debates about how to improve as WGT golfers.

    Don't you just love this GAME!

    There are many roads to one's destination. If they all get a person there safely and without too much difficulty, I'm just not convinced I would term any particular road "horrible." But I fear I've exceeded my daily allotment of metaphorical verbiage.

    Hit 'em straight and seldom! 
  • ItsTooSweet
    149 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2019 1:06 PM

    When you meat-heads dole out your sub-par golf advice then falsely accuse legit players who disagree, you are getting what you deserve. You guys stepped into your own crap.

    You have certainly not earned any credibility in my book and neither has DoctorLarry. I think the majority of your advice and his is garbage and lacks any significant merit if you want to progress quickly. Yet you and your buddy's spew it out left and right like you know what you're talking about.

    You're not trying to earn credibility argument is just lame. Just like you trying to imply that DoctorLarry is a great teacher that just can't execute. Do you actually believe your nonsense?

    It's astonishing really. First you argue it's not sage advice, then you argue it's good advice. Then you argue you don't actually give good advice. Then you argue it's the credits. A typical Robert thread. Flip flopping all over the place. Then you say of course I am not going to actually post proof. No real credibility.

    The real truth is neither one of you guys are capable of playing at a high level or getting others to play at a high level otherwise you would have already done it. Yet you give advice like you can and blithely hold on to it. No one is saying you have to be an extremely good player but you guys need to be checked.

    Still waiting for you genius's to provide your proof that I am red-tee champ. If your buddy DoctorLarry has any integrity at all he'll post an apology or post proof. Where's your buddy at with his proof Robert?

  • DoctorLarry
    4,323 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2019 1:30 PM

    Kind of funny how you and one putt Larry are the only ones giving that advice. Just saying. If you guys are going to give playing advice then need to raise your standard.

    I have seen no one but you disagree.   In addition, that advice has been given by players that have been here longer than any of us - and better than most.  You have not proven otherwise.

    Considering your posts - I owe you no apology. - nor any further replies.

    Have a nice day.

  • ItsTooSweet
    149 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2019 2:23 PM


    I have seen no one but you disagree.   In addition, that advice has been given by players that have been here longer than any of us - and better than most.  You have not proven otherwise.

    Considering your posts - I owe you no apology. - nor any further replies.

    Have a nice day.

    Then you haven't been looking very hard. What top players are telling people to master the starter clubs? LMAO. You keep threatening like you are going to post some sort of proof but you post nothing, again and again. Although truthfully no one here is surprised that you don't. 

    If you're referring to your friends that took 7 years to make Champion or have a one putt average in the 30's you're going to have to do a bit better than that. My scores prove otherwise genius. That's the proof. You're just too stupid to know it.

    If you take my advice you win money in ready go's, if you take your advice you suck. Is anyone saying anything different?

    Why are you insinuating I am a red-tee champ? Sick of hearing your crap avoiding the issue. Post your proof you liar. Why you trying to run away? Do you think no one sees that you lied and you are full of crap. Are you really trying to sell that you are a victim that didn't make false accusations? No one is falling for that stupid crap. Where is your proof DoctorLarry?


  • kipdog87
    2,073 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2019 3:03 PM

    Ok guys...... stop being peacocks, please try and remember that most of us only play this for fun. I am just a average skill level, on my day i can look like a champ but on my dark beer fuel days the chump takes over. I have tried to help others, but as others have said the main advise is practise, i think that my choice of club is as good as the next guy so i understand that that what i think is easy might not be for others. If any of you wish to " teach me a lesson " just invite me as a friend and i would be happy to have a game. Ps but not uneven lies.

    Mick ( yes it is my real name, as i do not hide under a rock )