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how can I get better?

Mon, Jul 8 2019 10:26 AM (41 replies)
  • Bjelis
    4 Posts
    Mon, May 27 2019 1:28 PM

    I play this game for some time but I don't know how to progress in this game? I have a shitty equipment, there is no way for free credits and I'm level 40. How  can I progress and not to buy credits?

  • DoctorLarry
    4,323 Posts
    Mon, May 27 2019 5:07 PM


    I play this game for some time but I don't know how to progress in this game? I have a shitty equipment, there is no way for free credits and I'm level 40. How  can I progress and not to buy credits?

    Seriously, I would stop playing so many tournaments and start practicing.  You can practice with the starter balls and not spend anything.  You need to get proficient with the starter equipment before even considering moving up to better clubs and/or balls.

    Also - 2 months in this game is not very long.  It takes most players a lot longer to get decent - I still practice after playing about 16 months.

    It is a challenge - and nothing comes easy to anyone I know!

    Good luck.

  • Bjelis
    4 Posts
    Tue, May 28 2019 8:09 AM

    Ok, I know it's a challenge, I just thought that there is some other way to get credits maybe. I think that I'm not that bad in the game but seems to me a little bit unrealistic to see some players have an average score about 60, ohh boy that's so unreal :D

    Thank you for your answer and advice.

  • DoctorLarry
    4,323 Posts
    Tue, May 28 2019 3:06 PM

    I think that I'm not that bad in the game but seems to me a little bit unrealistic to see some players have an average score about 60, ohh boy that's so unreal :D

    Well, a 60 average is not that "unreal" in this game.  Some players have been doing this 10 years.

    Remember too, that averages are relative only to the tier that a player is in.  Every time someone tiers up, the calculation of the average starts over - and the game gets harder each tier.

    I had a 62 average before tiering up last time.  Then I had to move back to the longest tees and the green speeds got faster.  I am a better player now, but my average is about 5 shots higher than then.

    This game takes time.

    As to credits, you can (1) buy them, (2) win them in tournaments, (3) get them free through the videos and surveys set up for that.

  • Bjelis
    4 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2019 7:43 AM

    Ok, I'll be patient.

    As to credits, you can (1) buy them, (2) win them in tournaments, (3) get them free through the videos and surveys set up for that.

    Ever since I found this game I was'nt able to open any videos for credits, I don't have it on my screen.

  • DoctorLarry
    4,323 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2019 9:12 PM

    Ever since I found this game I was'nt able to open any videos for credits, I don't have it on my screen.

    Sorry - I did not notice you are not in US.

    I believe the credit videos are only allowed in the US.  (Some law, I suppose).

    I think some surverys might be available, but I know some just closed down here.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2019 10:08 PM

    How  can I progress and not to buy credits?
    Get a gift. Every now and then, there is "Christmas Days" where generous players donate equipment. Don't be shy to ask.

    OTOH, you might see buying credits as an investment in your leisure.

  • middbrew
    319 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2019 6:46 AM

    You might also look at joining a country club that is active (the one you are in doesn't seem to play much). the one you belong to now doesn't seem to be all that good for someone who is wanting to play and learn. An active club will also offer tournaments that you can win credits. Some will have generous members that will help lower tiered members with gifting clubs and balls.

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2019 8:45 AM

    Every now and then, there is "Christmas Days" where generous players donate equipment. Don't be shy to ask.


    +1  I was going to say there could be a Christmas in July type of thing in the forums.  


    To the OP, keep an eye on the forums just in case.  ;-)


  • Bjelis
    4 Posts
    Mon, Jun 3 2019 2:15 PM

    Thank you guys for all your help and advices. I'm not in the U.S. , I'm from Serbia, believe it or not :) Yes, I want to continue my progress in this game, I really like golf so, for start I will join some other country club.