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Unlocking courses

Sun, Oct 2 2022 8:54 AM (6 replies)
  • StrykerFire
    341 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2019 12:08 PM


    Back in April I purchased 100 credits for $9.99. I did this mainly because it said that by doing so it would unlock all courses immediately. However, here it is the end of May and so far 6 courses are still locked. They are, Harbour Town, Pinehurst #8, Lanai Experience, Valhalla, Celtic Manor and Edgewood Tahoe. Also, on the remaining courses that I can play, all the editing settings,Tees, Hole locations, Green speed and wind speed are also locked.

    Am I missing something or should all of this be available to me since I punched the credits. Thanks for any help.


  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2019 1:50 PM



    Back in April I purchased 100 credits for $9.99. I did this mainly because it said that by doing so it would unlock all courses immediately. However, here it is the end of May and so far 6 courses are still locked. They are, Harbour Town, Pinehurst #8, Lanai Experience, Valhalla, Celtic Manor and Edgewood Tahoe. Also, on the remaining courses that I can play, all the editing settings,Tees, Hole locations, Green speed and wind speed are also locked.

    Am I missing something or should all of this be available to me since I punched the credits. Thanks for any help.


    Do they actually say they're locked? The reason I ask is that all of those venues are CTTH only. There are no full courses for any of those particular venues. 

    For ranked rounds, you cannot change the settings for tees, hole locations, green speed, or wind. You can only change those in practice rounds. 


  • StrykerFire
    341 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2019 2:00 PM

    Actually, it does not say locked. My bad. But it only offers a “Challenge 1”. I’ve never tried that. For the he uninformed, what does CTTH stand for?

    So, I’m assuming I’m set up properly?

    Thanks for the enlightenment,


  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2019 3:08 PM


    Sorry about that. I should have spelled it out. CTTH = Closest to the hole. 

    Yes, it sounds like everything is running properly. 

    Hit 'em straight and seldom. 


  • sxmcp
    1 Posts
    Sun, Jun 21 2020 3:57 PM

    It really would be nice to be able to play Harbour Town and Edgewood in full.

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Mon, Jun 22 2020 8:19 AM


    It really would be nice to be able to play Harbour Town and Edgewood in full.

    Would love to see them as full courses but right now they are only CTTH Courses.

    Maybe in the future

  • Adamdutton85
    1 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2022 8:54 AM

    I have payed to open the courses but it won't let me play them keeps saying uunlock with phigolf can you help