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The new girl

Sat, Oct 8 2011 12:09 PM (60 replies)
  • phillf
    1 Posts
    Thu, Sep 22 2011 12:51 PM

    Hello Pandorah from the UK.

    I am new on here as of 2 days ago. What a fantastic place to be. Great golf , have won a few games !!! but great place to meet people from all over the world. Hope we can all have fun together and if you ever fancy a round you can always thrash me  !!!!!!

    Take care and have fun

    Phillf   From the UK

  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Thu, Sep 22 2011 3:48 PM

    Is that Phillis F


    or Phillf  = FILTH   lol

  • 1goodgolfer
    221 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2011 4:09 PM


    Now it posted a Pic of Natalie Gulbis at The Open in its blog and passing it off as itself.  Whatever.

    The title of of the post is The New 'G I R L'

    I have been pretty sure ever since that picture was posted that it was Natalie Gulbis, just could not find it online.

  • paulshack
    281 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2011 5:48 PM

    you guys are all idiots come on LOL

  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2011 7:36 PM

    Use real words not text speak. To, you. Try some punctuation.

    These silly pics are beyonf my undersatnding of women I'm afraid. Being a dinosaur in my thinking, I would think that real women wouldn't post pics of boobs or their butts hanging in the air. Most would see that as degrading to womankind. 

    The top female players here prefer to be judged by the high quality of their game.

    Now, if I were a teenager I'd get a bit of a kick finding a saucy pic and using it as my avatar. It'd give me a bit of a tingle. And I guess that if I were a younger female player I might look for a pic of some handsome young buck. 

    I also thought, in my duddery old thinking, that a lot of women were deep inside envious of glamour women, and fairly spiteful to those that may have had cosmetic surgery to enhance the juicy bits. Therefore, the last thing they'd want to see when playing is a picture of some perfect 10 that they could never be or want to be.

    But I am happy to hold my hands up and admit that times have moved on.

    Now, if only today's education system could help with that annoying text speak. Then we can all figure out what these gorgeous creatures are trying to say to us on these forums.



  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2011 8:04 PM

    Now, if only today's education system could help with that annoying text speak. Then we can all figure out what these gorgeous creatures are trying to say to us on these forums


    Plus a million :)



    +10 2 the 6th?

  • Rzbk
    376 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2011 9:12 PM


    u all need a kick in the ass - that's how u look for friends - by the pictures cause u can't read - get a life - u wouldn't know what 2 do with a woman real or rubber  - just play golf & stop with your replies 2 everyone with your swearing & just being jerks cause u think u can stick your nose into everyone else's business - mind your own - keep your remarks 2 yourselfs - women like me r sick n tired of jerks - that goes 4 alot of u guys here - play golf - it's a golf game not a dating site - what does it matter re pics - I bet 3/4 of the pics on this site r just that - who the hell cares just play the d amn game little boys

    Well said.

  • 3puttsSuk
    361 Posts
    Fri, Oct 7 2011 7:07 AM

    now your going 2 say look who's talking


    But if we did then we wouldn't be saying ANYTHING NICE now would we?!?  LOL

    Leave it alone,  go play golf


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