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Christmas in July 2019 (has ended)

Mon, Jul 8 2019 3:30 PM (649 replies)
  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Sun, Jun 30 2019 4:49 PM

                                                Christmas in July 2019

    Welcome to this year,s event , You have from today till the 7th of July to post your Christmas wish here in this thread ,

    This is not a free for all !

      Many will ask but not every one will get the wish they wanted . 


    Santas,s will be watching for all the good boy,s and girl,s here who need and can really use that special gift to help your game ,  Please think about the gift you want as in do you need that new level 103 driver at X credits or see that gift go to several new player for that first upgrade .


    Thank you to the community who started this event some years ago . It was a pleasure to have been there at the start  .


                                     To the Santa,s 

    Please see the 4th post in this thread  by Robert for a list of names of players who got a gift and what it was , no need to send another driver , OR  watch for that player that might be looking for a wedge set as was gifted 1 of them so far . 

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Sun, Jun 30 2019 4:49 PM


    EDIT :   7/5/19   . I was asked some time ago if if I would ever do this one more time,  My reply was I dont think so ,  Sorry  .   and that made me think why not !        I took a chance and look what happened .

    40 + pages ,   and my Christmas Wish for this year was just some help  .

    Thank You Sir . And Thank You to all the Santa,s  .  




  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Sun, Jun 30 2019 4:50 PM


  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Sun, Jun 30 2019 6:45 PM

    Gifted listed was updated at 9:30 PM (EDT), July 7.

    Thank you to all of the Santas. Your generosity is very much appreciated. 

    Hopefully, in December, we will again be able to have the 12 Days of Christmas. 

    Gifts given (still being updated):

    AlBUnderpar, two sleeves of the TaylorMade TP5x Balls (Level 48)

    AlejBaran,  Callaway Mack Daddy 56 ° Wedge (L95 +)

    aliesen, Callaway Apex 19 (Level 85)

    almancini,  PING G410 PLUS 10.5 DRIVER (L81+)

    alsp8, Callaway Sub Zero 3 Wood (Level 99)

    ander101, TaylorMade TP5x (Level 96)

    asdkids, TM TP5x balls (Level 48)

    belowzeroyes, Titleist TS3 Driver Level 102

    bg444out, Chrome Soft Vapor (Level 53)

    Bishop7319, Ping Sigma 3 Putter (Level 44)

    bossbird, multiple sleeves of Callaway HEX Chrome Vapor yellow balls (Level 39)

    BothaC - Taylormade TP5 Level 81 balls

    Bowl64, Mac Daddy 56 degree and 60 degree (Levels 67 and 68)

    colinjones0, MAX Slow Meter Balls (Pro+)

    deki7, Callaway Rogue Sub Zero 10.5° Driver (Level 25)

    dhjam1, Cleveland 64 wedge (Level 80)

    diehard4793, Callaway golf balls

    dlrdave, 3 sleeves of Callaway Hex Chrome ball

    DocMBower, ( L81 ) TP5x  Balls

    Donnavon1982 - LVL 75 Ben Hogan Irons

    Dmilll0, Ping G410 Plus 10.5° Driver (Level 58)

    DragonfireSr, two sleeves of TM XP5x (Level 81)

    Eddie77, TaylorMade Spider X Putter (L77+)

    EdwardRo, two sleeves Callaway Chrome Soft (Level 33)

    fader51, Callaway Chrome Soft Level 33 balls

    fishthengolf, call slow meter balls lvl 34

    ferenc1, Ben Hogan PTx Irons (Level 54)

    franzinipierre, three sleeves of Srixon Z-Star XV (Level 13)

    gaztax, Cleveland set of wedges (Levels 76, 78, and 80)

    GEESER72, TaylorMade TP5 Balls (L47+)

    GHackland, Callaway Rogues, Level 100

    habsfan170, five sleeves of Srixon Z-Star XV (Level 13) balls

    help1966, TaylorMade Spider X Putter (L94+) and MAX Spin 64° Wedge (L52+)

    IBerry2, TaylorMade TP5x Balls (Level 48)

    ihaulpoop, Titleist Pro 1v sleeve (Level 90)

    inthehole084, 56 and 60 degree Mack Daddy wedges (Levels 96 and 96)

    invinceable222, Titleist TS3 Level 102

    IParkin, any sleeves of balls; appears to play Srixon Level 11

    iselin90, Callaway Mack Daddy 56° Wedge (Level 95)

    Jag001, Callaway Rogue Lvl 96 Driver

    Jason01291, Titleist Pro V1x, one sleeve

    JCski1950, Taylormade M5 driver L74+

    jimmyganno, sleeves of TM TP5x balls (Level 81)

    joesadicker, six (6) sleeves of Srixon Z-STAR Balls (L11+)

    JTcooper, Odyssey Sabertooth Putter (L59+)

    juancito00     sleeve of   cally truvis  l 67

    kasia1967, callaway balls HEX CHROME VAPOUR SLOW METER LEVEL  PLUS 1.

    KingSak, Ping Level 59 irons

    LarryLizzard86, Callaway Epic Flash Driver (Level 44); 2 sleeves of balls

    laurak360, sleeve of Callaway Hex Chrome level 35

    leudys, Callaway Rogue Iron Set (L97+)

    lizkitty, TM Spider putter (Level 35)

    Luvmagic2, MAX Slow Meter Balls (Pro+)

    MahaMyth, Ping Sigma 2 Putter (Level 44)

    mak92, Titleist Pro V1 Vapor Balls, Yellow (L42+)

    marcelofvha, set of Callaway Apex 19 irons (Level 85)

    MattPulito13, sleeve of Taylormade TP5 (Level 80)

    MaxAsh,  PING Sigma 2 Putter (L44+)

    mrm6400, sleeve of TM TP5x Level 61 balls

    necklass,   lvl 59 sabertooth putter

    nerve60, one sleeve of TM TP5x balls (Level 61)

    newcigarz, Callaway Rogue Pro Iron Set (Level 100)

    NiceOne38, sleeve TM Level 81 balls

    NicNac19, TaylorMade TP5 Balls (L95+)

    nomind1, Taylormade Spider X level 35 putter

    NOSHOTS, Callaway Rogue Iron Set (L97+)

    OmarBoucherville, MAX Meter Full Set (Graphite Irons & Hybrid) (L47+)

    oblra, Cleveland CG16 60° Wedge (Level 7)

    Parstone, sleeve of Titleist Pro V1 Vapor balls (Level 0)

    pfortmiller3, TM M5 Level 74 Driver

    PICABO - Callayway EpicFlash driver (lvl94+)

    ric480, sleeve of WGT GI-D balls

    Robert1212122, Callaway Mack Daddy 60° Wedge (Level 96)

    Robert1893, five sleeves TM TP5x balls (L81); two sleeves TM TP5x balls (L96) 

    rockinrobyn, Cleveland 64 degree wedge (Level 80)

    RufPutter, Titleist TS3 Driver (Level 102)

    Sabrina999, Callaway Apex 19 Iron Set (L52+)

    SeabrookFlash, 2 sleeves of Titelist Pro V (lvl 57)

    slamer421, multiple sleeves of Callaway Chrome Soft (Level 43) balls

    SMcFadden8, TM M5 Driver (Level 14)

    sunrisegolfnut - any extra level up juice bottles

    swordthegamer, set of Max Spin wedges (56, 60, and 64 degrees; Levels ~50)

    tatabud, sleeves of TM Level 90 balls

    TEdUp, 3 sleeves TaylorMade TP5x Balls (Level 48)

    teeaar, Ping G410 Plus 10.5° Driver (Level 81)

    Tiewaz, avatar WGT Australian Green & Gold Male 3

    toppaw - TaylorMade P790 Iron Set (L90+) 

    Troywx62, Odyssey Stroke Lab R-Ball S Putter (L40+)

    unspecified recipient, set of Max Wedges (Level 90s)

    VietnameseGolfer, TaylorMade Spider X Putter (L94+)

    WillieSinkit, three sleeves of TaylorMade TP5x (Level 61)

    Winterhawk195, Callaway Sub Zero Driver (Level 96)

    wizards6969, Taylormade P970 Level 90 irons

    wagaganon, two sleeves of Callaway Level 33 balls

    Zzyzx01, Cleveland 588 60*W L-78

  • WinterHawk1951
    392 Posts
    Mon, Jul 1 2019 6:53 AM

    I usually dont reply to these but it is more of my out of need I will now. Its been some time since I could update my bag and now with the equipment costs on the rise like they are Its just about out of reach. I dont have to point out but WGT is almost becoming just a money magnet of sorts. I would like to point out that if it wasnt for players like Opy and this program, some players would be left far behind to fend for themselves, myself included! So it is now that I would like to throw my hat in the ring and ask Santa if there would be anyway that I may be able to recieve my wish of the Callaway Rogue Sub ero Driver. I have not the resources to save up enought to update my drivers to the distances the big guys hit and this would certainly help if there is anyway you could help me out? Thank you for your consideration Santa and yes I think I been a good guy this past year!


  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Mon, Jul 1 2019 7:53 AM


                                                Christmas in July 2019

    Welcome to this year,s event , You have from today till the 7th of July to post your Christmas wish here in this thread , This is not a free for all !  Many will ask but not every one will get the wish they wanted .  Santas,s will be watching for all the good boy,s and girl,s here who need and can really use that special gift to help your game ,  Please think about the gift you want as in do you need that new level 103 driver at X credits or see that gift go to several new player for that first upgrade .

    Thank you to the community who started this event some years ago . It was a pleasure to have been there at the start  .


    Since we haven't defined the protocol for giving, I'd like to suggest we follow this protocol (see below) that was followed last December. What do you think?

    The protocol for giving:

    1) Check the recipient’s Wall to see if [YGIOIW] has been posted

    2) If not, post on the recipient’s Wall [YGIOIW] “Your gift is on its way”

    3) Send the gift

    4) Then Post in ‘Christmas in July 2019" it’s been sent to recipient


    The protocol for asking and receiving:

    1) Be specific with your request.  Example: [ 2 sleeves of L-59 Titleist Pro V1 vapor balls] or [ L-59 Odyssey Saber Tooth Putter]

    2) Simply post your request and leave the rhetoric to a minimum. Let's keep this thread and event positive.  

    3) Thank your Santa. Posting the thank you in Christmas in July 2019’ or their wall. 

    4) If you receive a gift, please do not post a second request for another gift. Santa's bag has limits. It's not going to be possible to fulfill every request. 

    The above protocol was taken and (slightly) modified from the December event. See this link:


  • Stunited
    4 Posts
    Mon, Jul 1 2019 8:56 AM

    Santa, hook a fellow player up with some balls. I see see in CC events that 1st or 2nd place are 1 Dozen balls. WOW!!! 

    Ty. Stunited 

    Robs Rebels CC

  • Robert1212122
    2,516 Posts
    Mon, Jul 1 2019 10:50 AM

    I would like to ask you for Callaway Mack Daddy 60° Wedge (L96+).

  • jason01291
    418 Posts
    Mon, Jul 1 2019 12:11 PM

    Thanks Santa 🎅

    Can u send me 3 sleeves of 

    Titleist Pro V1x Super Vapor Balls (L93+)

    For this Christmas in July 

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Mon, Jul 1 2019 1:06 PM


    Thanks Santa 🎅

    Can u send me 3 sleeves of 

    Titleist Pro V1x Super Vapor Balls (L93+)

    For this Christmas in July 

    Given that it's still early in the event, I can send you one sleeve. Maybe someone else can send you another sleeve or two.