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Christmas in July 2019 (has ended)

Mon, Jul 8 2019 3:30 PM (649 replies)
  • CloudsMan
    66 Posts
    Mon, Jul 8 2019 9:18 AM


    Robert how very kind of you. Very cool indeed!

    I am hoping we can play a round soon. There is a big time zone difference between us but will make every effort to hook up for some rounds. Post on my wall if you have time when you are free or better still message me for more contact info.

    Not sure what more to say but THANK YOU! It's a very nice feeling and I am very appreciative for the gift and making a new friend here.




  • KingSak
    49 Posts
    Mon, Jul 8 2019 9:34 AM


    Just a thought.

    If the Unfulfilled list were to remain posted maybe some of those request could still be filled over the next few days or weeks? Just saying...

    That would be nice. I feel just a little guilty for getting my gift when so many other wishes went unfulfilled

    It would be very good if WGT could please bring back the Free Credits for video's too!.

  • Leggoman13
    8,456 Posts
    Mon, Jul 8 2019 9:49 AM



    Now that the list has been posted. If anyone not on here, please let me know, so I can add your name on the list.

    To all the Santas, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for your generosity and kindness. All of you that participated, donated, helped. Which we know about, and those in shadow we rarely see. And to those that do so all year round. Thank you very much.

    You have touched the heart and souls of many. You have made so many players happy by helping  them improve and enjoy the game and  the interaction this site provides. 

    Bravo !!!

    Thumbs Up


    cheers :o)

  • borntobesting
    9,806 Posts
    Mon, Jul 8 2019 10:12 AM



    p.s. your wish has been added to the unfulfilled request list. Hope it will help. :o)


    ..... tyvvm Pierre  :-)  if this not works  then i need to  ask the Santa's  to Spank the bad bad        WGT  Team  :-) 

          Cheers Myla 

    Now Myla some of the  bad bad WGT team might like that too much. 

  • BHeimann1
    61 Posts
    Mon, Jul 8 2019 10:59 AM

    Hallo liebe Weihnachtsmänner ;-)

    lese es zum 1x das es hier so nette Mützenmänner gibt...

    ich schätze es sehr das es so etwas überhaupt gibt..

    würde mich sehr über 1 oder 2 Rollen s TP5X L81freuen um mein mittelprächtiges Spiel zu verbessern!

    Liebe Grüße von Bea an die Weihnachtsmänner  HO HO ;-)

  • DoctorLarry
    4,328 Posts
    Mon, Jul 8 2019 11:01 AM


    I want to add my thanks to all the other Santas but especially to Robert and Pierre for all the time-consuming work over the past few days in managing this effort.

    Most of you have no idea how much effort went into this but I have an inkling!!!!

    It was a lot of time taken away from other activities - checking these posts, getting hundreds of emails, messages, updating posts and google sheets, all the coordination!!!


    Thanks guys - you did the heavy lifting!

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Mon, Jul 8 2019 11:09 AM


    That would be nice. I feel just a little guilty for getting my gift when so many other wishes went unfulfilled 

    You should not feel guilty at all. I can assure you that everyone's request was looked at and carefully considered. Nevertheless, every Santa had their reasons for why they gave to the player they gifted to.

    Each player who was gifted was worthy of receiving the gift. That does not mean that others who were not gifted were unworthy. A lot of times it just came down to intangibles. Regardless, don't feel guilty. Just enjoy the new clubs. 



    It would be very good if WGT could please bring back the Free Credits for video's too!.

    Do you have a mobile phone and tried watching credits on there? Some players have been able to get into the hundreds of credits in one day just by playing the 2 credit videos. 

  • drmoose
    3,547 Posts
    Mon, Jul 8 2019 11:13 AM

    Now Myla some of the  bad bad WGT team might like that too much. 

    Now , I ain't gonna mention names ( against T&C yanno) but, I'm thinkin' there's some that just might like it a lil' too much too.

    Doc :)

  • DFerguson30
    281 Posts
    Mon, Jul 8 2019 2:52 PM

    Dear Santa,

    Thank you and your elves for being so generous this holiday season.   

    A couple of sleeves of Taylor Made TP5 Lvl 95 balls would be fantastic and i'll leave cookies and milk out in case you get hungry.  :-)



  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Mon, Jul 8 2019 3:30 PM

    Hi all. I'm locking the thread and renaming to show that it's ended. 

    Thanks to everyone for making this a huge success and a very special thanks to Opy to running the whole thing.