callaghan159:I am not looking for a club at the moment because I am taking a break from playing on a regular basis. Some call it burnt out, I call it summer. To nice outside to be inside. No big deal if people don't want a temporary player. I understand.
Then you don't have a clue what clubs are about. Since you are a Champ, I am shocked.
Different clubs for different people … there is Transgressional who my club can't compete against on talent … there is Bros competing for clash win, there are others with different values and other established clubs ...
In Black Diamond GC, we float players who want time off for any reason if the directors hear about it. 2 months off, fine. Wondering what clubs you belonged to before, but I doubt any club wants a rent-a-player.
Once you decide to be serious for a while, feel free to contact me … but not before.