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Sat, Aug 10 2019 10:30 AM (31 replies)
    1,288 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2019 2:47 AM


    Hello fellow golfers. I am not a big fan of the clash but do play a few rounds. If there is a club that  is looking for a temporary player to put up  a few points for your club, send me a invite to your club. Once the clash is over I will disappear. Poof--gone. This clash I will have less time than normal but I will put in a few rounds.  Maybe someday I will be looking for a club to call home. Thanks for reading. 

    We're not looking for any help in the clash as we're now investing our time and credits in our club tournaments instead but I think this is a great idea for you to offer your time to help other clubs in the clash, especially as a player of your stature.

    I've saw other players do this many times, including in the last clash when a few old Penalty Box members re-joined them just for the clash...and they won!!

    I'm sure some clubs would take you up on your offer, especially some of the clubs challenging for the top 3 places.

    I hope you have fun Callaghan and enjoy the sun!!

  • AlaskanDame
    19,827 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2019 9:37 AM

    The OP having been picked up, may I ask now what courses are being faced?

    FAPC has had Erin Hills twice and Bethpage once.  Wind seems fairly high, and the greens are that squirrelly tournament 11.

    Already have faced The Penalty Box, so we’re behind on points a bit, but thinking we’ll still be able to get those tee markers — Coke machines?  British telephone booths?  Whatever. . . shrink them some more, WGT, and put them on poles;  I want ball washers on my tees!

    Have fun E1.


  • borntobesting
    9,777 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2019 11:03 AM

    We have had Chambers Bay Front 9 twice and Erin Hills. Don't know what side Erin Hills is I missed it, Had to go to the laundry mat. Chambers Bay is high winds. I had 2 or 3 30-32 straight head wind. And most were either head or head/cross. I think in 36 holes I had maybe 4 tailwind and 3 or 4 tail/cross. Very difficult conditions. 

  • DufferJohn7
    3,584 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2019 11:09 AM

    I've encounterd Chambers Bay F9 and St Andrews B9.

    But my real question, do any of our younger players even know what a phone booth is? Let alone a British one?

    BTW, where does Clark Kent change nowadays?

    Having fun hitting 'em everywhere,


  • borntobesting
    9,777 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2019 11:25 AM

    But my real question, do any of our younger players even know what a phone booth is? Let alone a British one?

    Yes they probably do,by seeing them on Monty Python specials and reruns of Monty Python's Flying Circus. Not to mention all the older BBC mysteries on Net Flix and Hulu. 

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2019 11:54 AM
    We have been experiencing getting booted out of clash game. Anyone else having this happen? 3 times in this 4 hour segment.
  • jacktrade51
    11,252 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2019 1:11 PM

    Now that we're back on topic, Black Diamond GC just started its 4th match.  So far we've played/playing EH F9, BP B9, BP again, and St.A B9.

    High winds and 7 green speed.

    (On subject above, we have a member who started in WGT last spring and joined BD a year ago tomorrow as a Pro.  He became a Legend on Tuesday.  That brings a smile to my face.)


  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2019 1:18 PM
    Beth, beth, St andy, beth, 11 greens and hurricane winds
  • AlaskanDame
    19,827 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2019 3:57 PM
    We have been experiencing getting booted out of clash game. Anyone else having this happen? 3 times in this 4 hour segment.
    It's much like a month or so ago. I get booted, but when I close the playing screen and click on PLAY NOW on the other page, I do get the chance to "resume game"/"Continue". So, it's a time waster and a hassle, but the game itself is not taken from me, nor the pass . . . . .

    We have another Bethpage now, so that makes 2 Beth and 2 Erin so far.
  • Cas57
    3,044 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2019 8:37 PM

    anyone care to update the standings?  maybe a screen shot?  I'm a bit curious
