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Connectivity problems on higher coin games.

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Tue, Nov 21 2023 1:39 PM (5 replies)
  • Spankmyshaft
    1 Posts
    Tue, Oct 8 2019 4:38 PM

    This is my first post so please forgive my ignorance of etiquette. 

    I have been playing for a number of years building up my coin playing head to head games. I have recently progressed to the Montreal level. During two games I have played recently I have encountered server error codes which have lost me my hard earned coin on this level.

    I have never encountered this previously to playing this level. I live in the uk and my internet is absolutely strong enough and reliable enough to play this game. During the last connectivity error message when I lost 100,000 coin for no reason on my tablet I checked my connectivity on my phone during the message and it was totally stable at 56mb/s.

    Can anyone explain to me how this has happened. It is certainly stopping me from playing anymore of the high end games, as i’m starting to wonder whether I’m being cheated.


  • el3n1
    4,515 Posts
    Mon, Oct 14 2019 3:26 PM

    Can anyone explain to me how this has happened. It is certainly stopping me from playing anymore of the high end games, as i’m starting to wonder whether I’m being cheated.

    I have submitted concerns along these lines in higher stakes coin rooms myself... it is hard to know what or if it has been addressed.  At times, WGT has kindly researched the issue and reimbursed me the coins… but at this point I don't care about the coins... I would like to see or play on a stable platform without fear of losing coins.  

    I too refrain from playing Bellagio the majority of the time because... while I care less about 100k or 250k... it takes a bit longer to recoup 2.5M depending on your coin bank roll and how often you play...

    I have also reported this bug or glitch that -- if you grow tired of waiting and try to look at another more active coin room... you can still be assessed for playing a match you were never notified as having been prompted for playing... so you can lose your coins even if you get tired of waiting and back out...I have backed out using cancel and the back arrow and I believe it can happen doing either one.  

    - I have tested mobile coin games on the desktop early release.... and have not had a single match end abruptly in the manner you mention.  It leads me to consider whether it will be more stable for playing high stakes coin games.  

  • TramL1ner
    48 Posts
    Mon, Nov 20 2023 9:22 AM

    I too am finding that games are being terminated early when your opponent go's behind in a game. The connection looks to be lost and the game is ended when you cant putt out or take a gimme. It is some kind of error or an input by others if forfeiting that is causing the problem. I certainly wont be playing in high stake coin games from now on...I'll stick to the bottom end....if they want to cheat for 80 coins....the good luck !!!


  • tommie2tone1
    6 Posts
    Mon, Nov 20 2023 10:12 AM

    I am having the same problem with the game not closing out..I gets to the final putt or gimme and loses connection and sometimes to get out you have to close out the game which means you forfeit..thats BS when you are the winner..

  • TramL1ner
    48 Posts
    Tue, Nov 21 2023 7:47 AM

    Same thing happened again today... it seems that if the opponent forfeits, the game counter just spins, which looks like a lost connection.

    Is there a glitch with the game that doesn't terminate without causing a problem with the program or software at the server.

    Please WGT have a look at this... we may be cussing at these 'forfeiters' but it's not really their fault !!!!

  • tommie2tone1
    6 Posts
    Tue, Nov 21 2023 1:39 PM

    It happened to me again just now...I had a gimme putt and the game would not connect back and I lost because it said I timed out to many times...never lost internet connection..

    WGT needs to fix this or I am done...