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Major Mafia Mystery, No Sock Sherlock

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Thu, Sep 1 2011 4:34 AM (0 replies)
  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Thu, Sep 1 2011 4:34 AM



    Disturbing reports indicate that 250 whole complete people have been disappeared without trace.

    A source close to the center of the controversy  has broken the code of silence stating that "One day they wuz there, the next day they wuz just gone ay" .

    Our source wishes to remain annonymous for his own protection, so please take no notice of the canuck reference ay. Speaking from his front porch with recently completed decking overlooking the Welland River, he raised a beer and covered his poker hand with the air of a man in fear of his life.

    Leaning forward with his head in his hands, sobbing slightly he remarked  " It just aint right ay, they caint do that to people ay, someone gotta find out where they bin took" drawing a breath and taking a sip of cold courage from his Pabst, he went on  " see, yesterday they was a Counrry club, two fitty people ay, en now lookit ay, all gone man, all gone. Howzis happen man?"

    Ignoring the constant "man" reference our roving reporter slippersanboobtube tried to give him some small comfort telling him he was a wonderful human being, even if he did spit and play poker, sometimes even forgetting to invite certain people to certain AS games.

    The tragic human element aside, read that as you will, we still do need to know where to have all these good people gone? Past members of the Black Sock Mafia CC are being asked silently to come forward under cover of assumed names and will be offered protection under the Wgt WPP, the basis of which is to place them immediately into the legend tier where they will quickly disappear into oblivion.

    This paper has been assured that by posting in this thread, any one with information about the sudden and mysterious absence of the Black Socks, will in no way be held accountable for any or all past misdemeanours.

    An undisclosed yet very friendly man said he too would offer such guarantee and asked us to relay the following statement on behalf of his organisation. "la nostra parola e il nostro legame. sappiamo dove vivete"  Readers need not worry, following our own research, we were happy to discover that this man ran a close knit family business, so if you like, a mom and pop concern.


    Lizzie xx