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Mon, Nov 4 2019 12:01 AM (19 replies)
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  • SMOKEshack0
    42 Posts
    Sun, Oct 27 2019 1:44 PM

    I just got done with a round of Casablanca coin room, H2H, mobile.


    I played against a similarly matched opponent. 1st shot, 2nd hole of round I get a chat notification.  I check it and am being sworn at for "maybe" going too slow for his/her liking?? idk but he/she is speaking partial jibberish as well.

    I reply with a simple lol. This dude/chic goes on to throw in the full racist sexual remark. 

    I'm not sure why though?? I reply that I've screenshotted his/her comment and reporter him/her to WGT. he/she replies I guess pleading that a word was not an insult yet the rest clearly was??

    He/she starts sandbagging the shots so I tell him/her that it is likely their account will be deleted for the racist threat and they will also be banned for life.


    I have the screenshots. I hope this player is removed. This is a video game on a phone lol... threats from a player with a stacked bag is beyond acceptable. 


    **for the record- I'm not soft by any means, this doesn't hurt my feelings or anything but an expected level of courtesy, professionalism and class is proper etiquette.  Rant over. thanks for your support!

  • TopShelf2010
    10,967 Posts
    Tue, Oct 29 2019 6:40 AM


  • middbrew
    319 Posts
    Tue, Oct 29 2019 6:43 AM

    In my opinion there's no room for racial, sexual, gender, or age discrimination in this game. Berating an opponent this way is totally unacceptable. It's good to see that you took screen shots and reported the person. That's not a sign of weakness or being soft, that's actually being strong and standing up for what's right. Kodos. 

  • dhjam1
    589 Posts
    Tue, Oct 29 2019 9:18 AM

    I had to deal with the same thing. You should not have to go through that, its a game we should just have fun. No place for that nonsense.

  • rl2203
    744 Posts
    Tue, Oct 29 2019 9:51 AM

    We all have similiar experiences.

    I take a screenshot, report him and block him. Lets not waste more time on these people - customer support handles that.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Oct 29 2019 11:30 AM

    I have the screenshots. I hope this player is removed. This is a video game on a phone lol... threats from a player with a stacked bag is beyond acceptable

    Well done handling the whole affair, you did it right. I hope you spanked them, too.  ;-)

  • BOZskills
    417 Posts
    Tue, Oct 29 2019 12:36 PM

    Good for you Smoke,as it's been said we've all had experiences with these kooks. I've posted in similar threads about how some of these players use the abuse as a strategy. Crazy, its a video game we're playing to acquire worthless coins.

  • AndyJames123
    77 Posts
    Tue, Oct 29 2019 1:05 PM




    I just got done with a round of Casablanca coin room, H2H, mobile.


    I played against a similarly matched opponent. 1st shot, 2nd hole of round I get a chat notification.  I check it and am being sworn at for "maybe" going too slow for his/her liking?? idk but he/she is speaking partial jibberish as well.

    I reply with a simple lol. This dude/chic goes on to throw in the full racist sexual remark. 

    I'm not sure why though?? I reply that I've screenshotted his/her comment and reporter him/her to WGT. he/she replies I guess pleading that a word was not an insult yet the rest clearly was??

    He/she starts sandbagging the shots so I tell him/her that it is likely their account will be deleted for the racist threat and they will also be banned for life.


    I have the screenshots. I hope this player is removed. This is a video game on a phone lol... threats from a Master, 93 level with a stacked bag is beyond acceptable. 


    **for the record- I'm not soft by any means, this doesn't hurt my feelings or anything but an expected level of courtesy, professionalism and class is proper etiquette.  Rant over. thanks for your support!



    ive seen a player who joined april 2019 has had 600 ranked rounds, is a legend with an average of 56.9 and has got 40 yes 40 holes in one

  • WGTShamWow
    925 Posts
    Tue, Oct 29 2019 1:36 PM

    Good job handling this like you did. Unfortunately some people on the internet are like this and the best way to deal with them is to keep a cool head, screen shot their behavior, and send it over to member services. They have little to no tolerance for this kind of thing and my guess is he/she will be taking a time out.  


    Just a word of warning to anyone reading this, if you run into someone being abusive/offensive like this in game, don't stoop to their level and be abusive back. It doesn't help the situation and member services will probably end up suspending both players, as who started it isn't as important as what was said. Keep a cool head and just screen shot it and send it in to :)


  • Nancy1959
    7,364 Posts
    Tue, Oct 29 2019 4:37 PM

    You handled it well, Smoke.  There are some toxic people playing this game and all of us who have been around for awhile have run into some of them.

    Thanks for your response, ShamWow.  It's nice to know that the WGT leadership doesn't put up with behavior like this and will act accordingly when necessary with a suspension, and if there continue to be offenses, will ultimately disable their account.


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