I am going to post this here. I am currently playing both versions. While I like the soon to be gone Flash version I am trying to figure out the new stuff. I do have a couple of observations.
1. Yes, the meter is faster, because it is bigger. This make it easier to see and I have adjusted to its speed, but the off ding putting is giving me fits. Over all I like it.
2, There are three information boxes on the screen, Player and score, hole and wind, and course map. All three need to be bigger.
It can be difficult to read the wind direction and speed for those of us with old tired eyes.
The course map also needs some more size so that shot aiming can be done more accurately.
Might as well make the player name and score bigger to balance out the screen.
3. Not sure about this one but, I have read somewhere that the new shot timer is 45 seconds. I would like to see it go to 60 seconds, seldom need that much time but it is what the flash players are used to.
These should be fairly simple updates to make.