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Mon, Nov 23 2020 6:40 PM (36 replies)
  • mrmp1
    579 Posts
    Sat, Nov 21 2020 3:27 PM

    Yes I was talking about surveys 

  • el3n1
    4,514 Posts
    Sat, Nov 21 2020 5:48 PM

    as I understand it , the problem occurred

    I think that sounds right, I tended to differentiate the lure of 2 credit "farming" into 3 categories...

    those who gardened in their back yard maybe doing 150 to 300 a day...

    those who farmed  similar to someone working on their family homestead earning maybe 1000 a day...

    and those who "strip mined" with little or no regard for the environment, raping and pillaging along the way.... it is this latter group who had no regard for the WGT community they have directly impacted ...

    they likely used automated process with bot like routine programs potentially on more than one device  -- which is really very much like using automated cheat meters to play the game - to exploit something WGT offered to players, which we know WGT deemed improper and will shut down an account over.  Why they didn't with this level of exploitation, I have no idea.

    I suspect WGT and their advertisers could live with the first 2 forms, but the latter led to changes that impacted and hurt the entire WGT community.  

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,754 Posts
    Sat, Nov 21 2020 5:53 PM

    But why 150 credits a day though? Could've been 100, 200, 300 or 450 or 1,000...

  • SamSpayed
    5,066 Posts
    Sat, Nov 21 2020 7:21 PM


    But why 150 credits a day though? Could've been 100, 200, 300 or 450 or 1,000...

    This is what WGTChampion had to say about it a year ago:

    When making this change, we wanted to make sure there would still be a fair number of ads for players to watch for free credits while also following the recommendations of our ad partners. This change still allows players to watch many more videos than what was recommended.

    I guess they were trying to find a happy medium.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,754 Posts
    Sat, Nov 21 2020 9:31 PM

    Nice, Sam. Thanks for the info. I don't know about you guys but that medium didn't make me happy at all. :-(

  • Ketket1
    7,047 Posts
    Sun, Nov 22 2020 12:07 AM

    For those that can get 150 credits a day consider yourself lucky. In some countries, like where I live in Vietnam, I'm lucky to be able to get 30 credits a day. I know lots of members in other (more obscure) countries and they are the same as me. 20-30 credits a day maximum. 

    The system was rorted by a small number of members in the past so everyone pays the price. 150 credits per day, if you are in a country where you can get that, equates to 2-3 sleeves of half decent balls. I do believe that is a happy medium. Or do you think WGT should be paying for premium balls for you? 

  • bossbird
    2,260 Posts
    Sun, Nov 22 2020 12:17 AM

    I guess the 150 came from the 1050 per week to enable those that want to play titleist at least some of those per week . However the more prudent amongst us use a better value ball . The thing it doesn’t allow for is the purchase of many passes , or indeed upgrading equipment . So I feel a little sorry for all the new members of WGT who haven’t had the opportunity to build their equipment levels the way many of us more established members have. 
    I know that a lot of traditional pc players don’t like to play in turf wars or clashes , but for mobile players where we have more limited game play modes , it is a bigger consideration.

  • callaghan159
    6,453 Posts
    Sun, Nov 22 2020 4:24 AM

    indeed upgrading equipment

    For those that can't get the free credits to upgrade there equipment there is the "GOGF" and the "Christmas in July" and also the "12 Days of Christmas". These options are there so why not use them. 

  • bossbird
    2,260 Posts
    Sun, Nov 22 2020 6:08 AM


    indeed upgrading equipment

    For those that can't get the free credits to upgrade there equipment there is the "GOGF" and the "Christmas in July" and also the "12 Days of Christmas". These options are there so why not use them. 

    I think a lot of mobile players still don’t know about forums , let alone the great work that goes on by the likes of GOGF etc. I wish WGT would put Info on the inboxes of everyone.

  • IrmaLamy
    2,981 Posts
    Mon, Nov 23 2020 6:43 AM



    I was banned  forever  about a month later I checked and  my ban was lifted so you might want to check it again as in my opinion I was banned for no reason

    Are you talking about the surveys ? 
    as far as I am aware the videos for free credits are available , 150 credits per 24 hour period.
    the bans that have been imposed have been for participating in surveys , as discussed a few weeks ago by quite a few different players. 


    Just wondering about the topic and if you see anything in this section of the "earn free credits" as i here (and my guess is most non-English speaking countries might have the same response is   "NO SURVEYS   &   NO VIDEOS to watch"

    So NO free credits possible to earn and that since years now.

    So if there is a way to i'd be glad to find how too earn free credits again for a change.

    PC version is nada  &   Mobile app (on Tablet)  must check  (answer is : .EDIT "No VIDEOS to watch - NO Surveys  -   just a list of offers i wouldn't click on risky for bugs/spam/virus....." ..)
