At the risk of being shot down in flames , as I understand it , the problem occurred because some of the very competitive big clubs had bots working day and night to accrue a mountain of free credits , that were then used to buy the best clubs and balls and passes for their members. Resulting in a massive miss use of this commodity.
As a result every one has been restricted. This is the error , in my opinion WGT could have found and penalised those clubs abusing the system , but instead , a blanket restriction on everyone was applied.
I know these facts , as
1) some players of those clubs have admitted it to me , when I challenged them , and
2) WGT also admitted it to me in an email.
as a result I have stopped complaining about the unfairness of the limit , as long as everyone has the same limit.
it was just a shame those were not penalised , by having their credits confiscated.