Sorry Dianne, your too late. Andyson found my true love for me, and Yj has the picture to prove it. I'm no longer free to gift balls, Callaways or whatnuts, I mean whatnots. Nic-eisha and I found out we are third cousins but it don't matter. We're moving to W.Va. Folks up there stay to themselves about such things and so forth. Her uncle Swingnut is giving us a starter tree until we can get our own. But thanks for the kind offer of yourself.
I respect that and happy for you, I cant offer you anything as extravagant as a startertree in swingnuts fortress of harmony shown above. .....
just a quick question... had I posted my really sexy photo below, would you have shared your nuts? Just need to work on my approach for my next target victi....... errr I mean suitor :)