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Lost coins

Wed, Jan 15 2020 7:24 AM (18 replies)
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  • ElDystoped
    54 Posts
    Thu, Jan 9 2020 11:31 AM

    I entered a casablanca room with 404000 coins, waited for a match for over 2 mins, no match being paired, so I clicked cancel. Back to my home screen and I am down 10k coins to 394000.. Nice glitch, so we can't cancel before a pairing, we are forced to wait for your game mechanics to work, or we forfeit our coins?   Also, trying to build a bank and equipment up, I am level 72 and just made Legend. I read in another post, I must be a bot, because I have only been on here for 2 months... Not sure how they are deciding to tier up coin room players, I do win a lot, but not sure I would ever go play a ranked round as legend just quite yet.  Also, love the itty bitty increment on the level 8 swing edge hat, every increment for level purchased by coins went up 3 yds, level 8 was 50,000 coins for ONE yard gain..

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Thu, Jan 9 2020 2:02 PM

    been answered before many times but....

    The server matched you up right before you clicked cancel but your device hadn't gotten that info yet.

    Could be due to just normal latency or maybe your connection had dropped off for a few seconds. 

    So the server sees it as a forfeit. This is a known risk. if the 10k matters to you that much then contact customer support. they will refund it.


    Coins are easy to make though. So just play a few matches and make it back up.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Tue, Jan 14 2020 10:18 AM

    Repetition wont help the complete lack of detail. ;-)

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Jan 14 2020 11:23 AM


    Repetition wont help the complete lack of detail. ;-)

    Not to mention the spamming is an invitation to get spanked.  :-D

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