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Wed, Feb 22 2017 3:04 PM (18 replies)
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  • cpatterson22
    257 Posts
    Mon, Feb 27 2012 8:19 AM

    Actually it is misleading, I thought there'd be tiers like after 2 weeks it jumps over 880 or something. Got to day 7 and wondered why it was still 880. Now on day 16 and still is. It's annoying. 

  • borntobesting
    9,777 Posts
    Mon, Feb 27 2012 10:06 AM


    Actually it is misleading, I thought there'd be tiers like after 2 weeks it jumps over 880 or something. Got to day 7 and wondered why it was still 880. Now on day 16 and still is. It's annoying. 

    880 is as high as it goes. 

  • bsnewbert
    44 Posts
    Mon, Feb 27 2012 11:40 AM

    if i am making the commitment to play on a daily basis for as many days in a row as i can then i do think i should be rewarded more than 880 xp.  i realize some folks at the higher lvls dont need to worry about points but i still need all i can get.

  • adramforall
    194 Posts
    Mon, Feb 27 2012 11:41 AM


    Actually it is misleading, I thought there'd be tiers like after 2 weeks it jumps over 880 or something. Got to day 7 and wondered why it was still 880. Now on day 16 and still is. It's annoying. 


    Nothing misleading,

    Yes, you will receive bonus experience points for playing consecutive days on WGT. In order to earn a Consecutive Days bonus you need to have completed a game at least two days in a row. Please make note that Consecutive Days are based on UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and not your local time zone.

    Two Days: 90 XP
    Three Days: 180 XP
    Four Days: 270 XP
    Five Days: 540 XP
    Six+ Days: 880 XP

    Look at it another way, if you fail to play one day then you go all the way back to the lower XP bouns levels again.  Also several players have in excess of 400 days consecutive play.  If the Xp bonus was to increase for these players then they could end up advancing  a levl per day which is just silly.

    Wait till you get to the higher levels and find you have to get 40,000 plus XP or 100,000 plus XP to advance to the next level.

    If you are finding it annoying now, you are going to get frustrated to hell and back then.

    Just enjoy the game, and let the levels rise and your tier change as you become more proficient.









  • 3puttsSuk
    361 Posts
    Mon, Feb 27 2012 7:14 PM

    Better ?  Personally I think you should have to play more than just 1 hole to receive the bonus.  Granted there have been days where that's all I've done to get it, but you should have to put in a little more time than that. 

    XPs should multiply per round you play rather than just showing up each day.   Also hit the ball XPs  should max out at Par for the course for rounds over Par.  For rounds under Par,  the # of shots below Par should be added to Par for the course.  -6 on a Par 72 would net 78 XPs.  Why lose out on XPs for shooting a good score.   Especially if it keeps taking more and more XPs to advance levels.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Tue, Feb 28 2012 4:02 AM

    You get nothing for consecutive days played, so why is every one so concerned about it, i was at 256 days and then thought, "what is the f'kin point of logging on to keep this bonus going?"

  • BeachedMulligan
    1,238 Posts
    Tue, Feb 28 2012 8:05 AM


    You get nothing for consecutive days played, so why is every one so concerned about it, i was at 256 days and then thought, "what is the f'kin point of logging on to keep this bonus going?"

    Says the guy with all the best clubs. :)

    The 880 pts is huge for people trying to lvl up to get better equipment. But once your past lvl 91, it doesnt help much. 

    I think the system is good at 6 days and maxing out at 880xp a day. It keeps people playing daily and keeps them buying balls and equip as they level up. Makes sense from a WGT standpoint.


  • JayCollier
    68 Posts
    Tue, Feb 28 2012 10:36 AM

    No t to agree or disagree but I have 518 consecutive days played and I get 880 every day I play since 512 days ago.  The points to level up do increase dramatically after 80+. Currently I am on a 193962 point excursion to get from lvl 95 to lvl 96.  Thats 220 days if I don't play any other games which would add to my point total.  Still its a good way to eventually make new levels and become eligible for some upgraded equipment.

  • woeyeknee84
    2 Posts
    Wed, Feb 22 2017 3:04 PM

    Hey now!  Hello!

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