Why I decide to leave clubs had nothing to do with the FACT that YOU kicked me without a private conversation where we could have simply fixed the issue with using passes and continued to enjoy this GAME.. I loved the group and the guys. Your club offers what many, I have tried do not. I continue to enjoy conversations in any club I join and too many only use this forum ONLY which does not work for me. So in most cases I I went looking for a club that was a better fit. Please stop advocating other reasons, because it very unfair to me..
Why you choose to suggest my leaving clubs somehow portrays me in a negative way is confusing. You kicked me because you decided I was not using passes. I explained that my Understanding was to play my passes when I could and I chose to wait for the next clash and or turf war. But before that happened you kicked me out of the club. I have absolutely no reason to hold onto my passes, and would gladly have played them if you would’ve sent me a note telling me that I need to. But you did not. Why would I hold onto passes? ............................ Is there a possibility that you got upset because I complained when you decided to bring politics into the chat room and I suggested a different room should be created for that? ....................: But it is what it is, this is just a game, considering what all of us are going through right now I have much more important matters to deal with. I wish you and everybody that is a member of your club the best of luck, and wish you all well.