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Slow play with 90 second timer!

rated by 0 users
Sun, Sep 11 2011 10:29 AM (9 replies)
  • maruschak
    572 Posts
    Sat, Sep 10 2011 5:25 PM

    I'm basically a fast player, in real golf as well as here,.It behooves me to understand why anyone with a level of 40 and an avg score around 73, needs 90 seconds to execute a shot here. You know where the wind is coming from and the exact yardage,..choose a club and direct UR aim accordingly, how long does that take??

    I played in a 9 hole match today that took about an hour and 10 minutes,..we began with 4 players , one disconnected after 3 holes,..perhaps aggravated a bit more than I was. @ remaining planers took almost all 90 seconds to shoot,...believe me it was excruciating to watch! On the 14 th hole I was so annoyed, I actually 3 putted from less than 2 feet!!!

    I realize that it's "to each his/her own",...and so next time I'm invited to a game I'll make certain I see what the timer is set at! Personally, I love the 30 sec,..but I'll play with 60 !

    Not being a wisen -heimer,..simply expressing a view on pace of play!

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sat, Sep 10 2011 6:03 PM

    I believe some people do it just to get you impatient, or they are just that stupid and have no clue. Just played a game where everyone shot within 20 seconds, when they got 3 down they started taking it to 88 89 seconds. They still lost but I won't play with them anymore. Kept my patience, as I always do. But it is unnecessary.

  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Sat, Sep 10 2011 7:38 PM

    dont you all have lapses, i do sometimes i cant figure out what to do.



  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Sat, Sep 10 2011 8:53 PM

    Not being a wisen -heimer,..simply expressing a view on pace of play!

    i feel your pain. For the life of me, i cannot figure out what they H they are doing. This is a game, not the US OPEN, and you would think they are unable to play the game. It is a simple game, you change the marker, you look for the club, and then hit the D thing. Not rocket science. Total 30 second, but if Mom gave birth to a child with a damaged brain, take 60, but at 90 I can take a whiss and comeback, take my shot under 90, and I have a very slow bladder

  • flaccus
    516 Posts
    Sat, Sep 10 2011 9:10 PM

    maybe there should be a bank of time - hit quick on the simple decisions, have more time to use when you need it (like chess) - then players would have less interest in stalling

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sat, Sep 10 2011 9:38 PM

    A default to the 60 second timer would be a start.

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Sun, Sep 11 2011 12:17 AM

    hmmm,  let me think a moment,  everyone signed up to play a round with a 90 second clock, and they complain because it takes the other person to long to hit their ball?  do not join 90 second games!  any idiot can figure that out.  my self i enjoy being able to converse as i play between shots.  i am a one finger typist, don't speall good,  have to take 2 water pills a day, and i don't use a calculator, slide rule, note pad, ruler, putt pal, or any other contrivence to play this game (?),  quite honestly i play to take the edge off, but to also be competative  if it takes me 67 seconds to hit my ball, it took 67 seconds!  you can't rush a thing of beauty, but you can be in a hurry and screw it up very easyily.  to speed thru a round of golf is fine if that is what you want to do. you can choose other times to match your speed of play, so why did all of you idiots who played the 90 secound round bother to show just how infantile and stupid you are by raising a rucus on the forums.  look at what you wrote.  then tell me otherwise.  my nickel.

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Sun, Sep 11 2011 1:02 AM

    hmmm,  let me think a moment,  everyone signed up to play a round with a 90 second clock, and they complain because it takes the other person to long to hit their ball?  do not join 90 second games! 


    There ya go...spouting off useless common sense...

    Personally.I'd like to have a 5 minute timer...need my time for "got babes dot com" before a shot.

  • Cleworthy
    3,468 Posts
    Sun, Sep 11 2011 8:25 AM

    I think some people are multitasking while they are playing.  Is this considered impolite?  I don't know.  If they run over the limit twice, they get a penalty stroke added.  I just listen to on-line music so I can while away the time waiting for my turn. I  play pretty fast but I still like the 90 second timer.  On difficult putts or approaches, sometimes it's nice to have the extra time - once or twice a game. 

  • maruschak
    572 Posts
    Sun, Sep 11 2011 10:29 AM

    It appears the consensus leans towards whatever floats UR boat". I do realize some people require more time than others,.I merely expressed MY opinion, and do respect those of others. Sometimes I join a game so quickly, I even neglect to see how many holes we're about to play,...but I assure you...just maybe If I see it's a 90 second timer,.I'll quickly decide whether or not to join,..once I do join, I will NOT voluntarily disconnect, as that practice is the bane of this site,....second only to the pop up message.....   "An error has occurred....."..U all know that one!!!!   Happy gaming!