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Coin room tiers...

rated by 0 users
Tue, Feb 4 2020 10:34 AM (5 replies)
  • RDHacker
    103 Posts
    Mon, Feb 3 2020 8:27 PM

    I'd like to see the tiers for the coin rooms changed to the same names that are used for the showdown rounds. (Amateur-Veteran-Expert) It seems like that would make more sense than the current designations which skip Legend and Tour Legend altogether.


  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Mon, Feb 3 2020 9:11 PM

    Veteran and Expert are not WGT Tier names.  All the coin rooms allow ANY player, regardless of their tier to play. Limiting which tiers can play in each room would be unfair as not everyone wants to risk the same amount of coins. I believe the rooms try to match up players as close to even in skill as it can but sometimes lower level players will get matched up with higher level players. The three lowest coin rooms have a bit of a handicap to compensate for this built in as the tees are set to a players tier. The higher the tier a player is the further back they have to tee off from. This helps to level out the skill gap a bit but is not going to totally eliminate the advantage. 

    The names given to the Showdown’s have NOTHING to do with which players are allowed to play in each level. Any player all the way up to Tour Champions can play in any of the three Showdown levels. The only real difference between the three levels is the amount of credits that you have to pay as entry fees (10, 100 and 1000)

    IMHO the individual Showdowns rooms should be separated by Tiers similar to how WGT tournaments are so that participants only play against similarly skilled players.

    Putting Champions and Tour Champions in the same showdown groups with lower tiered players in the 10 and even 100 credits showdowns effectively makes it nearly impossible for the lower tier guys to compete.

    And I’m not saying that it’s the Champ and TCs fault either as they should not be expected to only pay 1000 credits to enter. I totally understand that not everyone, regardless of skill wants or even are able to wager that much  


  • RDHacker
    103 Posts
    Mon, Feb 3 2020 9:26 PM


    Veteran and Expert are not WGT Tier names. 
    The names given to the Showdown’s have NOTHING to do with which players are allowed to play in each level. Any player all the way up to Tour Champions can play in any of the three Showdown levels. The only real difference between the three levels is the amount of credits that you have to pay as entry fees (10, 100 and 1000)

    IMHO the individual Showdowns rooms should be separated by Tiers similar to how WGT tournaments are so that participants only play against similarly skilled players.

    Putting Champions and Tour Champions in the same showdown groups with lower tiered players in the 10 and even 100 credits showdowns effectively makes it nearly impossible for the lower tier guys to compete.

    And I’m not saying that it’s the Champ and TCs fault either as they should not be expected to only pay 1000 credits to enter. I totally understand that not everyone, regardless of skill wants or even are able to wager that much  


    I think you mis-understood what I was saying. I think the COIN ROOMS should have a simular designation such as the showdown rounds do. My suggestion has nothing to do with the showdown rounds except for how they name the tiers in the showdowns.

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Mon, Feb 3 2020 9:42 PM

    I added to my original post at the start to reply to what I believe you’re asking about. 

    Basically in both the coin rooms and the showdowns a players Game Level, Tier and Skill/Ability at the game have nothing to do with what rooms they can or cannot play in or which showdown level to enter. They are open to any player to enter and have nothing to do with how good a player they are or aren’t. The only thing that’s different between all of them is the amount of Coins or Credits you are willing to wager.

    Naming the showdown Levels with any implied relation to a players skill level (Amateur/Veteran/Expert) was a huge mistake on the part of WGT as it doesn’t reflect who CAN enter the levels.

    Changing the names of the Coin Rooms with the same reference to a players skill level would be just as bad a mistake. 

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Tue, Feb 4 2020 7:07 AM

    Tier names on coin rooms mean absolutely nothing. anyone can play whatever room they want. The Tier listed has to do with the level of box reward for a win.


    I've seen legends and higher  go broke in Rio or Shanghai and I've seen Legends do very well in Bellagio and TCs that can't hack it. 


    Coin rooms are skill based. People will end up wherever their skill level is. 



  • RDHacker
    103 Posts
    Tue, Feb 4 2020 10:34 AM

    The way it is now is just bad. Maybe it should be:

    Bill Gates
