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Mon, Feb 10 2020 6:14 AM (1 replies)
  • willy53
    42 Posts
    Mon, Feb 10 2020 5:48 AM

    Watching wgt live on youtube quite amazes me, for the fact that its the same courses and everything, but the gameplay is something I do not recognise at all, if only I could play a shot that goes where you aim it and stops dead on the green right next to the hole like these top players seem to do every shot, birdies and eagles galore every game, they don't seem to suffer with a meter speed that suddenly goes at a thousand mph at the line, no they have a nice smooth constant speed, ho joy of joy's, and they never seem to be playing in force 10 gales always blowing in your face so you're always falling miles short, five + years ago when I first started playing this game it seemed quite accurate in the gameplay, but over the last three years my game  just seems to be getting harder to play week by week instead of easier, in fact I can't play now as I did as a hack?, I don't think I've been within 15ft of the hole for a birdie in two years, that can't be right, I hate to say the game is rigged, but, something can't be right when you play a tournament on courses you play on in unlimited with no problems as such, and might even get a birdie or two, then single play game your +6 in four holes, sorry it just doesn't gel with me, and if anyone replies to this post please don't talk about clubs and balls I've played with the best balls out there and it makes no difference at all, I wish I could just stop playing this stupid game, but I'm quite addicted to it, should know better at my age, suppose I'll just go on forfeiting every game I try to play!.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,899 Posts
    Mon, Feb 10 2020 6:14 AM
