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Tier up

Sun, Feb 28 2021 6:01 AM (26 replies)
  • Yaman6
    7 Posts
    Fri, Feb 14 2020 6:06 AM

    What are the averages to tier up to champion. Ranked rounds etc etc 

  • TopShelf2010
    10,968 Posts
    Fri, Feb 14 2020 1:18 PM


  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Fri, Feb 14 2020 3:07 PM

    I just got Champion Tier by just playing coin games. All of my tier promotions from Master to Champion all came from coin games. I know you play lots of coin games like I do, you might just get tiered up by doing that.

  • pmm711
    5,770 Posts
    Fri, Feb 14 2020 9:31 PM


    I just got Champion Tier by just playing coin games. All of my tier promotions from Master to Champion all came from coin games. I know you play lots of coin games like I do, you might just get tiered up by doing that.

    Congrats...what room were you playing in?  


  • pmm711
    5,770 Posts
    Fri, Feb 14 2020 9:31 PM


    I just got Champion Tier by just playing coin games. All of my tier promotions from Master to Champion all came from coin games. I know you play lots of coin games like I do, you might just get tiered up by doing that.

    Congrats...what room were you playing in?  


  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Sat, Feb 15 2020 3:05 AM



    I just got Champion Tier by just playing coin games. All of my tier promotions from Master to Champion all came from coin games. I know you play lots of coin games like I do, you might just get tiered up by doing that.

    Congrats...what room were you playing in?  


    Thanks buddy. I play Tokyo and Manhattan. I haven’t purposely done ranked rounds I think since Tour pro, except when I play clash games, and once in a while tournaments.


  • DavStan
    255 Posts
    Sat, Feb 15 2020 12:23 PM

    I don't see how you tiered up by playing coin room games, none of the stats are saved so there is now way to lower your average to tier up, I can see you leveling up playing coin room games but that's different than tiering up. 

  • TopShelf2010
    10,968 Posts
    Sat, Feb 15 2020 12:33 PM


  • DavStan
    255 Posts
    Sat, Feb 15 2020 12:40 PM

    you might be right Don, lord knows I've been wrong on here a few times. Maybe its a mobile thing because I play the early pc access version and have played tons of coin room games and my average hasn't changed.

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Sat, Feb 15 2020 12:53 PM

    I don't see how you tiered up by playing coin room games

    None of the stats are saved in such a way that we can view all of them.  That does not mean WGT does not have or use something in connection with some way of determining coin rooms success.

    This is the third instance I have heard about recently that only coin games can be considered as the factor that pushed each person over into being promoted.

    Whether it is win rate, along with coin room bankroll, among other possible factors.  WGT has said nothing regarding the determining factors, but it is clearly happening.

    If win rate's against higher tier players is used in some fashion, will they also base it on whether the higher tier player advanced using red tees and has no experience playing mobile?  I don't know.

    But there are more variables to coin games than just tier... and beating a higher tier player doesn't necessarily mean that same player will be highly competitive in non apparel WGT tournaments.  Some will, some may not... it depends on whether they specialize in one format or both.