callaghan159: You have 0 friends and belong to a club. I say start there for someone to play with
Well, that's possibly a little harsh as a welcome. Closer examination shows that only one other member of that club has even played in 2020, and that was back in January. So that probably isn't the best place to start for someone to play with after all. It's a dead club.
To the OP, welcome to WGT. Joining a club is definitely a good place to start as callaghan pointed out, but it needs to be an active one. Have a look at the Country Club Corner section of the forum as there are lots of clubs looking for members there. Make sure it is one that has players of all tiers and abilities and most clubs like that will have lots of helpful members who can give you tips on how to improve as well as just playing socially with you.
Have fun!