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Falling Prizes Pots?

Mon, Dec 14 2009 9:08 PM (41 replies)
  • Mem11
    199 Posts
    Mon, Nov 16 2009 6:47 PM

    Thanks for the explanation Alex, but I have to agree with tibbets who said it a lot better than I could have. 

    So, when should we expect these new features for earning credits and why wouldn't you release them at the same time you decreased the current prize pots?

    My first thought was, well WGT just wants you to spend a little more money.  When the pots decreased further this week I started to get the feeling I wouldn't have the opportunity to play this game much longer.

  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Mon, Nov 16 2009 8:26 PM

    We appreciate you taking the time to offer some insight Alex but I'm not sure I can follow the logic.  If players like Tibbets, AvLee, Nivlac, ThunderBird, etc. continue to exhibit their dominance in sponsored tournaments, then they should be rewarded accordingly.  Competitive tournaments are about being the best and the best should be compensated for the time and effort they put in.  Personally I have not achieved their level of play yet but I'm trying my hardest to mentioned in the same breath as those guys.  When I get there I can only hope to be rewarded. 

    To redistribute payouts so they same group of players aren't always winning them seems just like the PGA penalizing Tiger for being so good.  When Tiger came on the scene and dominated everybody, the PGA didn't adjust payouts so the scrubs could earn more money.  In fact the scrubs hit the practice tee and worked very hard to hone their skills, thus closing the gap between the best and themselves.  They probably will never reach Tiger's level but none of them asked for welfare from the tour either.  This is the logic that motivated me to suggest that the payouts not even go all the way back to 70th place, but rather cut off around 25th (35th may be more reasonable) to compensate the top players for the countless hours they have obviously invested in play on the site.  Life is a competition and not everybody can win.

    Once again, this is not intended as a gripe, but rather constructive feedback about an issue and a site that is near and dear to all us fanatic WGTers.  We're anxiously awaiting the new updates and will wait patiently to see how this unfolds. 

    Parting for now with a quote from the honorable Judge Smails, "The world needs ditch diggers too!"  =D

  • claremoreblue
    2,322 Posts
    Mon, Nov 16 2009 10:12 PM

       You have one dissatisfied customer here. But thats just my 2 cents! Off the soapbox Blue!! :)) Great game though.

  • dpckopy
    217 Posts
    Mon, Nov 16 2009 10:17 PM

    Maybe this will mean payouts for Match Play points that add up (right now) for nothing.  I do agree with tibbets, why reduce the payouts before the new features, the only thing it accomplishes is perhaps less play. Afterall the SD and other balls do not last forever, but provide a great benefit to the better player with the better clubs. So now that the payouts will be less, perhaps play will be less, meaning less purchases of clubs and balls.  It's kind of like putting the cart before the horse.

  • WGTalex
    2,087 Posts
    Tue, Nov 17 2009 10:59 AM

    We have been adjusting the pots since the launch of the beta. The adjustments happened before and after we started giving credits for advancing tiers, and will likely continue after more features come out to encourage the circulation of credits. It's a work in progress, and we appreciate the feedback.

  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Tue, Nov 17 2009 1:30 PM

    Perhaps WGTalex in maybe wise to provide some details in which WGT is planning area and ask for feedback.  WGT doesn't want to shoot themselves in the foot in this area.  Just my two cents.  One way to get feedback in this area is setting up a poll with lots of questions.

    Secondly why adjust purse size if features haven't been released yet.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Tue, Nov 17 2009 3:53 PM

    It seemed to me that the answers provided by WGT to the question regarding reduced purse value were a bit like receiving "snow cones" from Paula Abdul. With the value of the prizes in actual $ value at par or increase/decrease, all three are extremely small potatoes. If anything must go, it must be the credits that one receives for just playing and advancing as everyone does, again, simply by playing.

  • thunderbird
    381 Posts
    Tue, Nov 17 2009 5:04 PM

    I must say if I don't have a chance to win a proportionate amount of chips there is no point of buying them.  It would be like playing on a poker site that you spend money with no chance of winning it back.  Now, I did recently win something back on the tiered event and finally got a nice size return on my investment. 

    I would like to see a small entry fee into the weekly and monthly tournaments if that would provide a return of increased pot sizes.  I would imagine a majority of the people would jump on that.  If people are buying balls they will pay for an entry fee.  I know I wouldn't  mind paying 15 to 30 cents for an event. 


  • molideha
    213 Posts
    Wed, Nov 18 2009 6:38 AM

    t-bird makes good points....i would add that there should still be weekly "free" entries, but some weekly tourneys could have a nominal entry fee...if 400 masters will put up 5cr for a weekly 18-single play, there's your 2000 prize pool.

    so, i would suggest the weekly 9-unl remain free...and maybe the weekly 9-single play also free....but certainly the weekly 18-single play could charge a nominal entry fee....from recent leaderboards in the weekly 18-single, this tourney typically sees the most variety in the top 20 finishing names.


  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Sat, Nov 21 2009 7:26 PM

    Just saw the new tourneys for next week and I'm left with a look on my face just like a dog that hears a high pitched sound.   HUH?  Seems like we were lead to believe there would be more opportunity for people to earn credits with upcoming releases.  One release has come and nothing has improved.  Was that a reference to being able to play other people for their credits?  If so please come up with a way to give people odds because I haven't run across anyone other than a few close friends on the site that will play me for creds.   No player in his right mind with a scoring average above 65 is going to play me 1:1 for credits and there aren't that many players with an average below 62 on the site.  

    Other than that, absolutely nothing has changed except a better way to pull the flag and some meaningless awards that add up to exactly $0.00.  Yes there is a new multi round tourney with a decent payout, but it is limited to 50 players and is only available to the US.  And if you're lucky enough to live here in the states, you'd better hope you live in the right one because 13 of the 50 are excluded as well.  WGT will collect 5000 credits for that tourney and only pay out 2500.  Hardly seems like a better distribution for everyone and justification for slashing prize pots by well over 50%.

    Alex, or anyone at WGT HQ, please clue us in when or if we can expect this to change.  I know we're being a little impatient but some information would go along way to sooth the masses.  I'm encountering some extremely dissatisfied, yet loyal patrons in multi player games, other than the ones who have taken time to voice their frustration in this post.  Personally I've spent well over $150 since joining in July.  Hopefully I can win every single tournament and with the current structure, recover that investment by November 2011.  Many of us feel betrayed and a bit like we're being hoodwinked. 

    There have been some solid suggestions in this post by  YOUR customers on how to keep us happy.  We just hope someone is listening.  Forgive my rant, but sleep is important and I wouldn't be able to get any if I didn't get this off my chest.  Please work with us on this one.  We're anxiously awaiting more details.  I'm not trying to stir the pot here, just trying to get it built back up!  :)

    Thank you,
