I can say that this "un-named rogue owner" has possibly messed up for good. Thinking that using her own tactics against her proved to be too much, and fried her brain. But also I believe this person has been planning for this to happen, and had a contingency plan to re-appear.
I received a friend invite and a request for this new player (today) to join my battered club, (which I had denied both). A "PM" to me can get you the info of said player, and decide for yourself.... as the M.O. is strikingly similar with the approach and use of spelling, equipment acquisitions and play style all mimic the owner that we speak of in the above posts. I don't believe for a moment that this is over but, I have to understand that this person is very ill and needs to seek mental assistance of some sort.
"Gaslighting/gaslight" is the term, and their is no resolve with this type of illness, It is best just to block the player and endure the losses if they have infected some of your members.
Again, if a player leaves, its by their choice. The poaching and arrogant ways they got the player hurts but will subside when this owner/player is blocked and forgotten about.
And if this owner has been pulled from the ranks then so be it, as it was a pleasure being a part if taking her/him out and restore some integrity to the game!