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Tier Progression

Sun, Jun 4 2023 5:55 PM (103 replies)
  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Mon, May 18 2020 10:52 AM


    There is a way, I believe some of the long term players have figured it out .

    I simply go into the HTML portion and replace the current dimension constraints with this:

    img width="100%" 

    Credit goes to ScottHope. I saw it in one of his posts a while back. And, of course, you can adjust the percent to being lower if you want.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Mon, May 18 2020 11:12 AM



    There is a way, I believe some of the long term players have figured it out .

    I simply go into the HTML portion and replace the current dimension constraints with this:

    I think he meant of working out how many rr's at a particlular tier ;-) 

    If you keep track of your scores and average and what happens to it, it should be possible.  With so many ranked rounds to saturate it would take a bit of work.

    Somewhere on here there's a thread where someone tells how to do it from a much more precise number you get on mobile.

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Mon, May 18 2020 11:25 AM


    I think he meant of working out how many rr's at a particlular tier ;-) 

    You could be right. It was just the messages immediately before were discussing image resizing, which is why that was in my mind and made me think he was referring to that. 

    When people don't quote, it's tough to know what they're referring to. That's especially so if the conversation happens to take a different direction from the original post. 

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Mon, May 18 2020 3:21 PM

    It didn't really matter Robert I could have made more effort answering the question rather than pointing this out.

    @Mrmp1, I'll give this a brief go.

    Your average is 55.29.  Lats say you'd played 100 rounds at Champ' then it includes 5,529 strokes, your last round was a (37) 74 if you scored that again it would include 5,603 and be 55.48 (5,603/101).

    If you'd played 900 rounds that's 49,761 strokes + 74 =49,835 / 901 = 55.31.

    So the more rounds you've played the less it changes if it went to 55.40 then you could start checking around 500.

    The easiest way to do this is with a score that's a good bit different to your average and with yours that means higher.  If you don't mind your average going up a bit max out a 9 hole rr and it should be fairly easy to work out how many rr's you have, the bad score would be first to go at saturation. Remember to note your average before and after rounds.

    Do you know what your average was before the Olympic 37?

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Mon, May 18 2020 3:28 PM


    No worries. It’s all good. 

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Mon, May 18 2020 4:24 PM

    I have always written down my ranked rounds when I tier up.

    I turned Champion @ 4741 RR and now I'm 5125. I usually have to play about 40 more games because of the ones that don't count.

    616 More to go

  • mrmp1
    579 Posts
    Mon, May 18 2020 4:41 PM

    Dodgy Putter 

     yes my avg was 55.29 before 37 at Olympic but my avg never goes up only down its been that way forever I just seen the chart and was curious if there was a way to find out how many ranked rounds were played between tiers .I am sure others would like to know also. 


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, May 18 2020 9:42 PM

    yes my avg was 55.29 before 37 at Olympic but my avg never goes up only down its been that way forever I just seen the chart and was curious if there was a way to find out how many ranked rounds were played between tiers .
    37 => 74, a delta of 18.7 to your average. It should have raised an unsaturated average by at least 18.7/1,000 = 0.018, well visible. Since it hasn't, the average must be saturated. Now only the RR count will give away your Champ rounds.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Tue, May 19 2020 2:41 AM


    Dodgy Putter 

     yes my avg was 55.29 before 37 at Olympic but my avg never goes up only down its been that way forever I just seen the chart and was curious if there was a way to find out how many ranked rounds were played between tiers .I am sure others would like to know also. 


    alosso is entirely correc;t if your average never goes down you are saturated, you just need to get it to 55 now to be promoted.

    Your average includes 1,000 scores and 55,290 strokes, you need to get rid of the 290 to get to 55. As you've been saturated a long time that probably means scoring 27/54 is the most likely way. 

    Remember though there must be, at least, 56's in your average so a 54 would take off two from the 290.  Unfortunately as your average is given to two decimal places this only gives the number of strokes to the nearest 10, closer is available on mobile I've seen said on here.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "how many ranked rounds between tiers".

    If you mean is there a way for saturated players (that haven't recorded anything)  to know how many rr's at a particular tier, then no.

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Tue, May 19 2020 6:37 AM



    Dodgy Putter 

     yes my avg was 55.29 before 37 at Olympic but my avg never goes up only down its been that way forever I just seen the chart and was curious if there was a way to find out how many ranked rounds were played between tiers .I am sure others would like to know also. 


    alosso is entirely correc;t if your average never goes down you are saturated, you just need to get it to 55 now to be promoted.

    Your average includes 1,000 scores and 55,290 strokes, you need to get rid of the 290 to get to 55. As you've been saturated a long time that probably means scoring 27/54 is the most likely way. 

    Remember though there must be, at least, 56's in your average so a 54 would take off two from the 290.  Unfortunately as your average is given to two decimal places this only gives the number of strokes to the nearest 10, closer is available on mobile I've seen said on here.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "how many ranked rounds between tiers".

    If you mean is there a way for saturated players (that haven't recorded anything)  to know how many rr's at a particular tier, then no.

    Both of you are amazing. Kudos alosso and DodgyPutter