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This guy needs to introduce himself.

rated by 0 users
Mon, Oct 3 2011 2:07 PM (83 replies)
  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Fri, Sep 23 2011 5:51 PM

    Awesome Roge!

    I think one time I might suggest that Icon use this facility to spy upon bad people who steal money like this perdantac chappie, oopsie my bad, must try harder with my spelling.

    Imagine, watching a sandbagging multi accounter from above while he plies his evil trade, and having the power to reach down and crush him with your thumb. When he asks pleadingly " Whyyyyy! Whyy did you do this to me?" you could answer "Because I can, Thats why" Mmm.The power of a god ey? Ike, try it some time soon, make a lot of people happy. You know, the ones who keep this fine site up and running ya?

    On another note, is it not time the heavy hand of fairness to all cheating, lieing, algerining and general multi accounters stepped in and closed this conspiratorial post down, in case it upset the sensibilities of the people who give us all a bad name? I mean, its only fair right? We all remember how one such person was closed out for this very same thing I guess. Not that I wish to start up that which has been closed forever because Oh no, that would be wrong. Bit like multi accounting I suppose.

    Wait. I am DEFINITELY missing something here.

    Justice.Thats it. Justice.


    Lizzie xx

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Fri, Sep 23 2011 5:53 PM

    and don't go giving me a "Now now Lizzie " Ike. You KNOW I'm right.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Fri, Sep 23 2011 5:56 PM

    As rain Lizzie, as rain.

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Fri, Sep 23 2011 6:06 PM

    I see rain in the sky, a film to frame the lies

    Catching subtle mirrors, a thought we shall not hide

    Would this water from above, wash us free of sin?

    Could this be a start, a new one each could share

    Or once again a sign, that our masters do not care.



  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Sep 23 2011 7:25 PM


    I see rain in the sky, a film to frame the lies

    Catching subtle mirrors, a thought we shall not hide

    Would this water from above, wash us free of sin?

    Could this be a start, a new one each could share

    Or once again a sign, that our masters do not care.



    The big question is..... Who left the cake out in the Rain?

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Sat, Sep 24 2011 6:02 AM


    I think one time I might suggest that Icon use this facility to spy upon bad people who steal money like this perdantac chappie, oopsie my bad, must try harder with my spelling.

    Imagine, watching a sandbagging multi accounter from above while he plies his evil trade, and having the power to reach down and crush him with your thumb. When he asks pleadingly " Whyyyyy! Whyy did you do this to me?" you could answer "Because I can, Thats why" Mmm.The power of a god ey? Ike, try it some time soon, make a lot of people happy. You know, the ones who keep this fine site up and running ya?

    On another note, is it not time the heavy hand of fairness to all cheating, lieing, algerining and general multi accounters stepped in and closed this conspiratorial post down, in case it upset the sensibilities of the people who give us all a bad name? I mean, its only fair right? We all remember how one such person was closed out for this very same thing I guess. Not that I wish to start up that which has been closed forever because Oh no, that would be wrong. Bit like multi accounting I suppose.

    Dang folks, just read it.

    Well said Lizzie

  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Sun, Sep 25 2011 12:25 PM

    I myself came to the realization that WGTIcon can't really do anything about these lowlife cheats, so I e-mail links to them directly to WGT.  I have found that some of the accounts I have e-mailed in have since ceased to be.

  • tiffer67
    1,764 Posts
    Sun, Sep 25 2011 1:09 PM


    I have found that some of the accounts I have e-mailed in have since ceased to be.

    This is indeed very true, there are a number of player accounts that seem to have been suspended.

    On the one hand this is to be praised however what the hell is it with the policy of keeping it hush hush? Why are WGT not willing to inform the regular members of the game that they have closed certain accounts?

    With every passing week my doubts as to the integrity of competition on here increases. I'm not talking about those that have been here for 12 months plus, I'm talking about the upsurge in new players who shoot the lights out and have stats on a par with the top 5% of players in this game.

    People can say I'm being jealous, disrespectful or whatever other word they wish to choose, I don't really care, I'm not in that elite band. For me not to question the validity of some of these players is more disrespectful to the top 5% who have worked their @sses off and put in the hours over months and months to get as good as they are. They deserve the admiration they get.

    When you are getting amateurs with starter clubs winning all tier ready go tournaments the alarm bells should be ringing in everyone's minds.


  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Sun, Sep 25 2011 1:20 PM

    When you are getting amateurs with starter clubs winning all tier ready go tournaments the alarm bells should be ringing in everyone's minds.

    No question.  And I have sent e-mails to WGTIcon and to WGT itself with the message that, in this case, you must err in favor of the legit players.  If you accidentally have to deny a valid player to keep 5 cheats from playing, then so be it.  In the case of that RG, I'd deny the winnings and suspend the account pending investigation.

    Another issue that bothers me is the knowledge that WGT has at times allowed players to abandon an account and start a new one.  I firmly believe WGT owes it to the players to post a list of the current names of restarted accounts.  No need to post their previous identities, but I thi9nk all the players have a right to know who is and isn't a true beginner.  Along those same lines, I think anyone starting a new account should be completely barred from playing ANY tournament or match where credits may be won, until such time as they reach their previous tier.

    When I see a suspicious account, my first reaction is to check score history and see how they did their first round.  To be honest, anyone that went below par their first posted round, I'd suspend pending investigation.  I have seen a number of players that seem to have gotten keen to this and will create an account, then not play for a month or so on that account, then start dropping minuses everywhere.  I guess the illuision is that they spent that month practicing, which would be fine if they had gained a few levels, but most are still 5-10.

  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Tue, Sep 27 2011 7:33 AM

    To be honest, anyone that went below par their first posted round, I'd suspend pending investigation.

    Example - In the community spotlight, there is a level 7 Hack that created his account on Aug. 15th, and that same day shot a -5 31 at Kiawah.


    AND this question for WGT:  I have seen players congratulated, by name here on the forums, for outstanding scores and they were not admonished for using another player's name in their post, nor were the names obscured.  Why can't we start a 'Gifted Beginners' thread where we publically 'congratulate' those amongst us that shoot amazing scores at an early stage?

    "Congratulations to <insert name here> for shooting a -5 31 at Kiawah at level 5 his first day here.  Kudos!"