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we need legend tier split into 2 tiers.

rated by 0 users
Tue, Oct 11 2011 3:48 AM (71 replies)
  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sat, Oct 8 2011 11:13 AM

    and those guys that do have a program to stop the meter right on the dinger,  CHEATSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS,  

    You must have cheated for your 28 and 59 then, both scores are well below your average.

    What program did you use on those two rounds?

  • ryan4spurs
    828 Posts
    Sat, Oct 8 2011 11:47 AM


    for those that said it wont matter if we had 2 tiers or 50 tiers, go n get fffffffluffed, im a legend, but i didnt ask to be, and i shouldnt be i dont shoot friggen unreal scores like friggen 54, and those guys that do have a program to stop the meter right on the dinger,  CHEATSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS,   i just wanna play in a fair n square tier, the guys that shoot 60 -70, none of this 54 ***.  i dont see a amateur having to put up with tour masters in the same tier,  and havin guys with avg at 57  and in my tier thats crap.


    Just because someone can't score as low as someone else, the player with the lowest score must be a cheat? Do me a favour. Do you think that players here don't learn where to hit the ball on the greens and where to not hit the ball? It's quite simple really, all you need  is a piece of paper and a pen to note down where on the green is a good place to play from.

    There are many threads in this forum stating ways to help get better at this game, but still people are quick to shout 'cheat cheat cheat'. Some people are allowed to be naturally good at stopping something on a mark when needed without the fear of being called a cheat.

  • G0LD
    358 Posts
    Sat, Oct 8 2011 6:16 PM

    "Cheat", common rant of lesser players. Yes, Bolloxinbruges is THAT good. Get over it lol!

    Upon serious consideration, I think the Legend tier should be divided in 3: Legend, Tour Legend for sub-61 average legends, and Best of the Best, for the likes of Bolloxinbruges, with a sub-58 average.

  • G0LD
    358 Posts
    Sun, Oct 9 2011 6:21 PM


    Here's how I see it, building on esssy's post:

    Put the legends  in divisions of 3 by their average scores...

    (Best of the Best): 50s average score

    (Tour Legend): 60 to 65 average score

    (Legend): 65+ average score

    That makes, indeed, a whole lot of sense to me.


  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sun, Oct 9 2011 6:53 PM

    THE legend tier offers only this, tees you will hate, greens that are far and unreasonable, 40-50 rough when you miss by one pixel, and greens that offer mostly 3 and 4 putts. There is no pleasure here unless you have one of those hi-tech cheater programs that exist, that WGT puts up with. And it is so obvious. What a mess. New management is in order at WGT. But in Frisco, it won't happen. They think the player count will never end. A bunch of Tech players that don't play real golf. Frisco Fruit.

  • G0LD
    358 Posts
    Sun, Oct 9 2011 7:35 PM

    To SweetiePie:

    Listen, I am - along with many others - an honest player with no such program, that I doubt even exists. What is more, I am an elderly near quadriplegic who just happens to play better than you. GET OVER IT!

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Sun, Oct 9 2011 8:25 PM


    for those that said it wont matter if we had 2 tiers or 50 tiers, go n get fffffffluffed, im a legend, but i didnt ask to be, and i shouldnt be i dont shoot friggen unreal scores like friggen 54, and those guys that do have a program to stop the meter right on the dinger,  CHEATSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS,   i just wanna play in a fair n square tier, the guys that shoot 60 -70, none of this 54 ***.  i dont see a amateur having to put up with tour masters in the same tier,  and havin guys with avg at 57  and in my tier thats crap.

    Since i am not a legend i may be misunderstood, but here goes.  I don't think any one has delveloped any kind of a program that is going to stop at the ding mark.  let alone every time.  In my own limited experience i have found that on a good day i will "ding" my stroke about 50%, yes 50% of the time.  i will also be within one mark forward or backward of the ding line 15 - 20% of the time.  i have witnessed many games with pro on up who on many occassions will hit the ding line consistantly.  They are not cheaters and neither am I.  You may well ask, that if what i say is true why am i not a legend, or tour master.  It's like this, i use no aids in my play except my eyes, right fore finger, and my brain to dis-intangle all the necessary information to make a good shot.  As so often happens i misfigure something, leave something out, or the hated VEM interferes with what i would like to accomplish, BUT, and this is a big BUT, i still ding my shot.  my nickle.

  • SOYEL1
    698 Posts
    Sun, Oct 9 2011 8:28 PM

    In some way, they should limit the total scope the equipment for a certain tier can reach. I mean, and I hope I can make it clear, the total range or scope of all clubs for a certain tier cannot exceed.... Lets say you are a Master and have bought the best equipment, ok... choose between your drivers, wedges, irons, etc... if the total goes beyond a certain number of yards, you have to drop one of them, and do with what you are left. Say you want your R11 driver and your R11 Wood.... and your 2.0 irons....take the total yardage of them all and if it goes passed a certain limit, you have to drop one of them in favor of a club of lesser distance or quality,( like  one of those free clubs WGT gives you when you start). Those restrictions will disappear as you Tier up and improve your game giving you the chance to get to use the other equipment. It's not that you cannot use the wedges you want, or buy better equipment, the point is that you have to decide which one you are going to use, as long as their total yardage doesn't exceed a reasonable limit. The chance to use new and more sophisticated equipment will come from tiering up and adding some extra yardage to your clubs. I don't think an amateur should play with an R11 driver from the short tees, if you get that driver, and you want to use it, then your irons cannot go passed say...180 yds... or you use the new irons but then have to use a shorter driver, like the free ones, or your wedges cannot exceed a certain distance. I mean..the total.. and if it does and you want to play with all those good and sophisticated equipment, you go back in the tees and are forced to improve your skills to handle them. You can be given the choice, you wanna use your irons and your R11... go back 30-40 yds, maybe not the same tees of the Legends, but far enough to make it more difficult for you. Just saying.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sun, Oct 9 2011 8:41 PM


    To SweetiePie:

    Listen, I am - along with many others - an honest player with no such program, that I doubt even exists. What is more, I am an elderly near quadriplegic who just happens to play better than you. GET OVER IT!

    LOL....Pal, you could'nt carry my golf bad.