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Flash player

Sat, Sep 26 2020 2:15 AM (60 replies)
  • rembrandt100
    36 Posts
    Thu, Aug 20 2020 7:20 PM

    I saw when I opened flash player it said that it will not be working after Dec 2020. I have not seen anywhere what other program is to replace it.


  • ScottHope
    10,674 Posts
    Fri, Aug 21 2020 9:22 AM

    Download the App.

    Or go the Steam route.

    Different course (lol), same destination.

  • PSantos2504
    13 Posts
    Sat, Aug 22 2020 1:29 PM

    Will the browser-based version be shut down?

    If so, will WGT migrate my account and all its details to another platform?

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Sun, Aug 23 2020 5:43 AM


    Will the browser-based version be shut down?

    If so, will WGT migrate my account and all its details to another platform?

    There is no facebook login. Use the same login info you use on the webpage

  • GrahamB2014
    2,192 Posts
    Sun, Aug 23 2020 1:27 PM

    The interesting part of the question for me is will the browser version of the game be shut down by WGT?.

    Unless I have missed it no one from WGT have come out and said if they will be continuing the browser based game once official support for flash ends.

    I have heard that we may be able to find a browser that will still support flash after the end of this year, so again my question is will WGT still run the flash based game or will they close access to it and force us to use the other platforms if we want to continue to play ?.

    6,890 Posts
    Sun, Aug 23 2020 3:31 PM


    Will the browser-based version be shut down?

    If so, will WGT migrate my account and all its details to another platform?

    The belief is NO ....For players like myself and others that believe we have set-up's to be able to play flash version well past the "supposed" death of flash doom's day date''....But if WGT DOES scrap flash version then that indeed is another story  ...And IMHO many will be gone from WGT...

  • SamSpayed
    5,066 Posts
    Sun, Aug 23 2020 4:54 PM


    The interesting part of the question for me is will the browser version of the game be shut down by WGT?.

    Unless I have missed it no one from WGT have come out and said if they will be continuing the browser based game once official support for flash ends.

    During one of the WGT live events in February 2020, someone asked that question in the game chat.  This was WGT's response:

    I don't know if that's still the plan, but it was the plan as of six (6) months ago.

  • GrahamB2014
    2,192 Posts
    Thu, Aug 27 2020 4:22 AM

    Thanks for the information I messaged WGTChampion a few days ago to ask clarification and am awaiting a reply.

    Once I have it I will let you all know.

    Not to be to cynical about it but I suspect WGT do not really want to answer this question they are just hoping that we will all just move over to one of the new platforms and save them the trouble of having to keep the flash version running.

    I have tried both the PCEA and steam versions of the game and I do not like either . It is not because I can not adapt to changes I have been playing this game for many years and have adapted to all the changes in that time. It is just that for me the game is too focused on the coin rooms and lacks any social aspects that the old flash version made the game so much fun to play.

    6,890 Posts
    Thu, Aug 27 2020 3:07 PM



    I have tried both the PCEA and steam versions of the game and I do not like either . It is not because I can not adapt to changes I have been playing this game for many years and have adapted to all the changes in that time. It is just that for me the game is too focused on the coin rooms and lacks any social aspects that the old flash version made the game so much fun to play.

    +1 !! 


  • Yiannis1970
    3,351 Posts
    Fri, Aug 28 2020 2:26 AM


    I have tried both the PCEA and steam versions of the game and I do not like either . It is not because I can not adapt to changes I have been playing this game for many years and have adapted to all the changes in that time. It is just that for me the game is too focused on the coin rooms and lacks any social aspects that the old flash version made the game so much fun to play.


    Sooooooo much well said!!

    As i said before, it's their game and they can do whatever they like with it, however, we can still state our piece of mind...


    After all these months, is more than clear that the orientation of this game has been changed to an arcade mode from a simulation golf game. Still, let me mention couple of things that could bring the game closer to where it was.

    I want to say this to wgt: We are not your enemies. After all these years playing devotedly, i believe we have a deep knowledge about what's going on. So read these lines as wishes and strong suggestions instead as bi@@@ing posts.

    It's imperative in the next 5 months to prioritize the changes on gameplay. What does it mean? It means you should put in a side for a while all the mumbo jumbo updates and deal more with things that made great this game over the years...i ll try to reassume them:

    1. Enable all the cameras in the field during matchplay/alt rounds. You can't imagine how frustrating it is to look up your opponent's butt for 90'' from an impossible angle. You can't imagine...

    2. Fix the problem with cc button. CC should be there always at player's discretion.

    3. Make bigger and more distinctive the wind indication. Right now it's just a joke. We can't tell what kind of wind we have to play our strokes. A good touch also should be surrounding the wind indication with a circle.

    4. Get rid of the roadsign indication inside the greens for the putts. It's bad, it's frustrating, it's not functional, did i mention bad? A good idea is to place the indication on a box above player's head. In this way you eliminate all kinds of problems with visibility and help the player to set up easier his/her aiming point. Related to that is the fact that sometimes we can't see even our putts after hitting cause an enormous 'excellent shot' pops up after we hit the ding.

    5. Putt indication: Just get rid of these 15, 6727275252642 ft, 3,6226262725 in down/up things. Don't serve anything and are only there to waste more time. A 16 ft, 4 down/up is far far more practical.

    6. Restore the lock/unlock grids in putting with a proper button.

    7. Make toptracer be visible at all times when enabled, or at least give us the option. Toptracer gets disappeared after few seconds even when enabled. Does not make any sense...

    8. Restore the on/off button for putter/shot pal. Why did you ban it in the first place? It's soooooooooooo useful!!!

    9. You know wgt...there are a lot of people out there who play alt games or match plays and they like to chat (if you can imagine). So, the idea of opening, closing, opening, closing, opening, closing the chatbox just to say nb, vgt, wd is indescribably appalling. What was wrong with the previous setting having a transparent window fixed for chatting?????????

    10. Put back again the distance to the pin on the little map. Another useful information that has been eliminated with no reason whatsoever...

    11. Resize the hulk like avatars.


    All these changes concern the gameplay...i repeat, the gameplay. The gameplay made this game big till now. Not the coins, not the apparels, not the boxes, not the outfit, not the underwares, not the ball effects, not any other mumbo jumbo thing you invented in the last 8 months. For god's shake, you can invent 1000 more of these if you like BUT please, restore the game play as it was for us who care about the game and not for childish plays!!!!


    Trust me wgt on that...the above points will make a HUGE difference on who's stayin and who's leaving in 6 months....think about it. Screwing up the flash everyday with the hope that everyone's will turn eventually to the launcher is just a pipe dream...