This whole thing had never crossed my mine. What a way to circumvent the system. I for one, having been here as long as I have, would never ask someone to play a round for me or vice a versa. Again, I just hope none of my friends are involved in any of this. I expect the people I friend to be as honest as I am, not only with me, but with others. The game of golf especially, is one of the oldest, and most gentlemanly sports in the world. Also womanly, excuse me. To cheat or deceive in any way, shape or form the integrity of this sport, is totally beyond comprehension and these people have no right to even compete. That said, anyone who plays with me, whether as a friend or a random AS game, if I notice you are shooting way above your ability, as shown in your profile, I will disconnect post haste. I have never done this before and I have taken some real beatings of late, by players who should be way below my skills. I will not waste my time again playing these people. I truly hope this doesn't happen.