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Sun, Nov 15 2020 11:02 AM (3 replies)
    6,890 Posts
    Sun, Nov 15 2020 7:04 AM

    Now that I am playing PCEA exclusively I have a few WGT Bracket questions....When I go to "Tournaments" on the launcher and I search For "Credit" brackets to enter it ONLY offered me one 18 hole 200 cred bracket as "available to enter"?? When I look on the flash game there are at least a dozen open brackets available for me? As you can see below....


    Also the above bracket has had just those 3 entries for at least 48 hours? I have played a ton of brackets and the 200 credit tierless brackets( Like Above) Usually fill up in just a few hours?

    Something is off I believe?


  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Sun, Nov 15 2020 7:36 AM

    JD the issue is because WGT has been creating these brackets and including rounds played on Cabo and Whistler (since they were made free) The problem is that those two courses are not officially available on the PCEA/Mobile versions of the game so it prevents the brackets from showing up. It has always been like this for the other courses that cannot be played on PCEA/Mobile (unavailable CTTH and Best of's)

    WGT needs to start making more Brackets without Cabo/Whistler so that there are more available on the PCEA. Either way this should correct itself at the end of Dec once those two course are no longer available.

    As far as the time it takes to get filled, that is probably just a side effect of more and more people switching over to the PCEA and not playing of Flash any more.

    6,890 Posts
    Sun, Nov 15 2020 10:03 AM

    JD the issue is because WGT has been creating these brackets and including rounds played on Cabo and Whistler (since they were made free) The problem is that those two courses are not officially available on the PCEA/Mobile versions of the game so it prevents the brackets from showing up. It has always been like this for the other courses that cannot be played on PCEA/Mobile (unavailable CTTH and Best of's)


    OK TY that explains why I can't see it in the launcher But.... I don't think that totally covers the issue with bracket I showed in picture ...Still ONLY has 3 entrants?..... I live in the 200 credit tierless bracket club lol and trust me 3 days and still not filled ?? I have been playing plenty of brackets over last few weeks with Whistler and/or Cabo and they have been filling up like normal?....It seems to me something is up My friend... But I have been wrong before  😕

  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Sun, Nov 15 2020 11:02 AM

    Let me interject a thought here.  It may not be filling for the same reason it is damn near impossible to find a A/S or multi player stroke game on the PCEA version.  I still don't think you have that many people playing on it yet.  I tried about 5 times(let it spin for about a minute each time) the other night to find a A/S game on the new version, never did find one.  Went to flash and picked up one right away.(of course even that took awhile as a number of people dropped out as they were lower tiers and didn't want my green speed)

    You may also be seeing that people want to play the new version, but know that if it has cabo or whistler in it, they know they won't be able to play it.(have read too many stories here about it locking up in the new version)