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Backswing - full always?

Tue, Dec 1 2020 9:48 AM (2 replies)
  • ICUDoc720
    1 Posts
    Mon, Nov 30 2020 6:35 PM

    I am challenged on my shorter shots by how to get the ball to go less than the amount of the club.  It seems to fly away too far even though I only take a half swing, or sometimes isn’t he fairway I want to go one club more and take an easier swing to get the ball the right distance.  Do I just go with less than full power?  It does not seem to work...

    Also - when doing single hole tourney there is a green “sweet spot” area on putting that is gone when playing a tournament - is there a way to get that back?


    Backswing is the biggest challenge I have ....



  • TopShelf2010
    10,968 Posts
    Tue, Dec 1 2020 9:20 AM


  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Tue, Dec 1 2020 9:48 AM

    I am challenged on my shorter shots by how to get the ball to go less than the amount of the club.  It seems to fly away too far even though I only take a half swing, or sometimes isn’t he fairway I want to go one club more and take an easier swing to get the ball the right distance.  Do I just go with less than full power?  It does not seem to work...

    With irons, in general it's better to keep the power between 90 and 100%. It stays linear.

    Bunker shots and punch shots with the 64 degree wedge are different and should be practiced and learned how to dial those in. 

    Driver and 3W can be dropped down to   85-86% and perform predictably.

    Also - when doing single hole tourney there is a green “sweet spot” area on putting that is gone when playing a tournament - is there a way to get that back?

    Ignore the green putting bar hint and learn the math. the bar is often too wide and it's always wrong on downhill putts. The faster the green the more wrong it is.