Hello folks. I have been having issues with WGT for about a month. I read thru your notes and there are some similarities. Up until about 4 weeks ago, everything was fine on my laptop, tablet and phone. Now, they all have issues and WGT doesn't seem to know the answer.
I have been using Google Chrome and Edge. Same problems on either of them.
Phone: Free credits. I only have access to the two credit videos ( box on left) and nothing else. Second Box: Center: nothing happens when I click on this box. This is where all the Tapjoy apps and surveys are.. Third box: Right: When I click on this link, I get a message that says that my account has been suspended and no-one can tell me why. Twenty messages sent, no replies.
Laptop: I have tried emulators, complete deletes and re-downloads and I keep getting the same issues in trying to get credits. Free Credits, None of the above three boxes come up at all. The message that I get is " You will be re-directed to another link" When I hit continue, I am brought to a WGT page that has the Peanut surveys only. There are never any videos. Unfortunately every time that Tapjoy has a special weekend to get double credits, I can not get them because I have no access.
Do I need to try another browser? Any ideas what is causing these issues? I use AVG security and have been using for years, never an issue.
Any help would appreciated.
Thank you, Bob