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Ladder League with Openings

Fri, Dec 25 2020 11:04 AM (0 replies)
  • Thurman15
    33 Posts
    Fri, Dec 25 2020 11:04 AM

    We are the OCGL Ladder League. 50+ players from the US, Canada the UK and beyond. Not a CC and not mandatory you join our CC. No cost, no quitters, stoke play, match play, alt shot, tourneys 4 nights per week and a Sunday brunch gathering. We use Teamspeak to talk while playing (no cost) and we have 4 majors per year consisting of 4 round 18 hole tests. Also run the Ryder cup with qualifiers starting in February. Competitive league with quality players, good ball busting and long term friendships. If interested send email to and we will contact you.