I was wondering about that EK.
So no benefit for buying Puma, Loudmouth etc apparel?
Seems a waste of credits.
Puma, loudmouth and anything other than the main 5 brands are purely cosmetic yes.
Also I disagree, sales of cosmetics/skins is the way for any somewhat competitive game to have revenue without creating unfair advantages and just being some average pay 2 win turd. If players like the game they will spend on average-to-ok designed cosmetics and everyone will be happy to know they're playing on even terms, I sincerely doubt they'd let go of ball sales at this point so in the end they're just adding another revenue stream, having their cake and eating it too. Just saying this particular monetization, if exclusive, I don't see a problem with.
At the moment, even a subscription model would be more respectable than what we ended up with. Wgt seem to want to make some kind of e-sport out of this yea? Well get rid of the predatory ball buying bs, turn lvl requirements for clubs back into some tier/tee-related thresholds and let the better/most skillful or maybe luckiest player win the tournament. There's your competition, there's your e-sport, everyone will try to make it and it'll be interesting.
Otherwise I doubt anyone remotely interested in getting better at this game would take it seriously, I know I wouldn't. Even if you argue the difference can be overcome the situation with the balls for instance is just silly. I grinded the clubs watching ads but I play the free rock ball, always have always will; I just won the showdown that ended today (with a -9 on 9, pretty happy bout that :D) and if you check the -8/-7s behind me they're all pretty much using 1000+ cr balls, independently of the results the abyss in stats (distance/spin) between them and me is horrifying, just the drives go 30+yds further. Pay to win games rarely have a proper competitive scene no matter how large the playerbase.
Oh FYI I'm not arguing whether ball pricing is too high or too low, affordable/or not, whether you can win the credits back performing in ready-gos etc, cheaper than a cinema ticket or real prov1x balls or whatever form of entertainment pricing per hour bs argument people care to make blah blah.. not at all, I'm saying the model is dumb, and tying the word "e-sport" to this is even dumber. I'm also not saying if someone dropped an infinite supply of premium balls on any average joe they'd beat the crap out of the current top players in the game, that wasn't the point either they're good.
Damn that was a long reply to a very short post. Bad day I'm leaving this up, it's buried deep in the thread. Rant over/