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|| Apparel Megathread || 🏌️

Mon, Jan 13 2025 2:47 AM (149 replies)
  • fobby1980
    310 Posts
    Sun, Jan 3 2021 12:07 PM


    I have been trying to figure out why I can not find any stroke play games.It is becoming clear to me that this is by design and they are changing their business model and want people to play this apparel coin model.I have always only played stroke play and never played the tournaments or coin games I didn't see this coming but reading the first post blows my mind 


    I've also had trouble finding Alternate Shot games in the new version actually. Ironically turning the "apparel bonus" to off let's me find games again so I dunno.. I think they messed something up with the multiplayer lobbies, there's no way no one is searching for these game modes.

    Also this coin stuff wouldn't have made it to pc any time soon if flash was still around, it's literally a rushed port of the mobile app so we're getting the same features. They are however trying to make use of it, I for one couldn't care less about the coin-apparel system if I didn't discover this showdown thing, but it's a cool format so I'm interested in it now.

    Finding AS/Stroke Play groups is as hard as it was on the mobile app, I don't think wgt is blocking lobbies for other game modes intentionally or as apart of some master plan makes no sense. And a business model change.. I mean, I've always assumed they make their money from players who buy premium balls somewhat regularly yea? Coins have no value, no one buys coins

    Are you talking of your asses? Because you can simply click on Play Modes, then Tournaments tab and it’ll take you to stroke play events. 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Jan 3 2021 1:46 PM


    It seems to me that players who rely on apparel will always be at a disadvantage against players who have their clubs mapped and know exactly what each shot is going to do. 

    Personally, I think it's better to ignore the magic clothes. They don't work with every game, and that's going to screw up your consistency. 

    I love this take. Personally, I don't care if my op has every apparel advantage under the sun, even with top clubs. You still have to know your stuff, equipment included, and if you're screwing around trying to make what you have better, you ain't gonna know it all the time. You still have to golf and I got you there with my obsolete equipment. You can have your apparel boosts, I know what my stuff does. LOL  ;-)

  • paueett
    45 Posts
    Sun, Jan 3 2021 3:55 PM


    Having returned to this game recently after a 6 year absence and playing the iPad not the PC version I have to say that apparel confused the hell out of me and there are very few threads or resources explaining it so thanks for this.

    My biggest question is around the prize caps. I pretty much get the same stuff for winning a 20k game as a 100 coin game. Both are under my tier (hit me up in case anyone fancies beating a sub-60 average tour legend who can barely make par anymore) so what would I win extra from winning the 100k+ games? (My record there is played 5 won 0).

    Also with the set bonus I’d like to get the Swing Edge set bonus but 4 of the 5 items really aren’t that helpful to me. I’d rather have more spin and slower meters than a 10% chance of more items.

    I'm assuming the 100 means Paris, the 20k means Rio and the 100k Montréal. So in Paris you're getting amateur packs, in Rio you're getting tour master packs and in Montréal you'd be getting tour legend packs (since it's a tour champ room and you mentioned being TL tier) although Montréal is a 3-hole match so slightly inefficient in my opinion. If you pay attention to the number of +items you're getting from these different tiered packs you should see a difference. the magnitude of this difference is what I'm testing at the moment but it'll take a while..

    I've already started testing Paris' amateur packs and I'm getting an avg of +5 items from silver packs so far, compared to the usual +11 or so I get from legend packs in Tokyo.

    Yea I already mentioned set bonuses are not that big but I dunno I keep SE to have something and cause the stats I care most about (driver/3w distance) are already in there. Using all items from the same sponsor also streamlines the grinding process, since using their sponsor already heavily curves drops towards their items... you kinda max all your equipped items at a similar rate.

    I guess if I already had everything maxed in their epic form I'd keep the SE hat, Max glove, shoes whatever, Max top and pants whatever


  • paueett
    45 Posts
    Sun, Jan 3 2021 3:57 PM



    I have been trying to figure out why I can not find any stroke play games.It is becoming clear to me that this is by design and they are changing their business model and want people to play this apparel coin model.I have always only played stroke play and never played the tournaments or coin games I didn't see this coming but reading the first post blows my mind 


    I've also had trouble finding Alternate Shot games in the new version actually. Ironically turning the "apparel bonus" to off let's me find games again so I dunno.. I think they messed something up with the multiplayer lobbies, there's no way no one is searching for these game modes.

    Also this coin stuff wouldn't have made it to pc any time soon if flash was still around, it's literally a rushed port of the mobile app so we're getting the same features. They are however trying to make use of it, I for one couldn't care less about the coin-apparel system if I didn't discover this showdown thing, but it's a cool format so I'm interested in it now.

    Finding AS/Stroke Play groups is as hard as it was on the mobile app, I don't think wgt is blocking lobbies for other game modes intentionally or as apart of some master plan makes no sense. And a business model change.. I mean, I've always assumed they make their money from players who buy premium balls somewhat regularly yea? Coins have no value, no one buys coins

    Are you talking of your asses? Because you can simply click on Play Modes, then Tournaments tab and it’ll take you to stroke play events. 

    He's talking about multiplayer stroke play, not stroke play tournaments

  • paueett
    45 Posts
    Sun, Jan 3 2021 4:13 PM


    It seems to me that players who rely on apparel will always be at a disadvantage against players who have their clubs mapped and know exactly what each shot is going to do. 

    Personally, I think it's better to ignore the magic clothes. They don't work with every game, and that's going to screw up your consistency. 

    Sure but this isn't really an argument is it? It's like saying you're level 102+, can afford and don't mind coughing up the credits for the 291yd driver but decide to stick with some 280yd driver because you've had it for a long time and you "know it better".

    If you're interested in showdowns and don't have a Swing Edge hat you're potentially losing strokes, which is fine if you don't mind.. but you're definitely playing at an undeniable disadvantage. Like I'd never argue that I play better with the rock than a 87 titleist cause I "know it better"

    Hmm I don't think there is such a thing as "relying" on apparel as long as you avoid the stuff that changes your putt/wedges/irons. The 2 biggest things are probably driver distance and 3 wood distance

    Oh well...I guess this thread might become some weird apparel vs no-apparel debate reading some comments

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Jan 3 2021 6:59 PM

    .I guess this thread might become some weird apparel vs no-apparel debate reading some comments

    I don't think so, it's good for the game.For the longest time-before apparel- the biggest complaint about equipment was how high you had to level up to get the good clubs. Apparel takes care of that and is a good thing for keeping lower level players competitive and a way for WGT to get those credits earlier.  :-)

  • paueett
    45 Posts
    Fri, Jan 8 2021 7:00 AM


    I've maxed a few things what you pick you'll definitely get 1 if not more the maximum is a 1000 then it stops once you've maxed something if it comes up again it will give you coins the most is about 2500 hope thats helped a bit .


    Yes you get at least 1 "bundle" of your chosen sponsor which could mean 1 item up to the max number of items on that given pack  if that's the only bundle in the pack. And It's 200 coins per each unit you get of the already-maxed item. But thx anyway! ^^

  • el3n1
    4,516 Posts
    Fri, Jan 8 2021 7:58 AM


    It seems to me that players who rely on apparel will always be at a disadvantage against players who have their clubs mapped and know exactly what each shot is going to do. 

    Personally, I think it's better to ignore the magic clothes. They don't work with every game, and that's going to screw up your consistency. 

    You may be right on the consistency, I have pondered it at times, but my take is... even with a high end ball - the game and the variance that is utilized or built in will still mess with your consistency - so for me the goal is about stretching credits as far as possible.

    I am not a big fan of apparel, especially from the forward tees - BUT, I use it because I can still play a much cheaper ball with maxed out apparel pretty much the same as I would a much more expensive ball without apparel.  

    Does that require a few mapping notes, yes.  One set for maxed out apparel and one set for your regular clubs.  With the reduction of videos available and ball cost seemingly always going up... for me it is a wise choice to save ball cost when you can.

    I find it silly or at the very least impractical to spend 5x more on balls when it is possible to boost your clubs to play competitively with a cheaper or lower end ball. Some coin room specialist are even very skilled with the Rock or 10 credit balls - so apparel may end up costing WGT in the long run with ball sales.  

  • JonPope0
    34 Posts
    Sun, Jan 10 2021 7:33 AM

    Wow!  Thanks for taking the time to post all this detail.  I realise once again how little I actually know!