Having returned to this game recently after a 6 year absence and playing the iPad not the PC version I have to say that apparel confused the hell out of me and there are very few threads or resources explaining it so thanks for this.
My biggest question is around the prize caps. I pretty much get the same stuff for winning a 20k game as a 100 coin game. Both are under my tier (hit me up in case anyone fancies beating a sub-60 average tour legend who can barely make par anymore) so what would I win extra from winning the 100k+ games? (My record there is played 5 won 0).
Also with the set bonus I’d like to get the Swing Edge set bonus but 4 of the 5 items really aren’t that helpful to me. I’d rather have more spin and slower meters than a 10% chance of more items.
I'm assuming the 100 means Paris, the 20k means Rio and the 100k Montréal. So in Paris you're getting amateur packs, in Rio you're getting tour master packs and in Montréal you'd be getting tour legend packs (since it's a tour champ room and you mentioned being TL tier) although Montréal is a 3-hole match so slightly inefficient in my opinion. If you pay attention to the number of +items you're getting from these different tiered packs you should see a difference. the magnitude of this difference is what I'm testing at the moment but it'll take a while..
I've already started testing Paris' amateur packs and I'm getting an avg of +5 items from silver packs so far, compared to the usual +11 or so I get from legend packs in Tokyo.
Yea I already mentioned set bonuses are not that big but I dunno I keep SE to have something and cause the stats I care most about (driver/3w distance) are already in there. Using all items from the same sponsor also streamlines the grinding process, since using their sponsor already heavily curves drops towards their items... you kinda max all your equipped items at a similar rate.
I guess if I already had everything maxed in their epic form I'd keep the SE hat, Max glove, shoes whatever, Max top and pants whatever