A sneak peek at one of our help menu sections.
1. Weekly bonus chart aplicable with sponsor only.
2. Wgt nation player flag (You get by invite only).
3. Icon for wgt Premium membership if you are mad enough purchase it.
4. Amount of CC passes you own.
5. Amount of coins you own (used for playing Head to head games and boosting apparell)
6. Amount of credits you own.
7. Player icon.You can access and edit your stats,equipment,avatar and apparell here.
8. For multiple or single game options.
9. Takes you straight to head to head games.
10. You can access all the info and enter tournaments that are ran by your CC.
11. Shows you list of friends and who is online.
12. Access your daily bonus,inbox,lucky spin and scratchcard here.
13. Access game settings here.