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2010 WMPL Champion: werksux!!

Fri, Jul 9 2010 12:41 PM (326 replies)
  • TDHarvey
    433 Posts
    Thu, Dec 10 2009 8:34 PM

    yes it seems a bit wrong that you will doing all the work but unable to participate. If it comes to a vote i vote that you should be eligible to play.


  • Kaslo
    428 Posts
    Sat, Dec 12 2009 11:54 AM

    Sign me up

  • seveking
    983 Posts
    Sun, Dec 13 2009 10:24 AM

    The master tournament organiser is back :)

    Don´t keep trying Joeyola, we already had this conversation months ago and niv decided to stay aside.

  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Sun, Dec 13 2009 5:21 PM

    Thanks guys.  Registration is progressing smoothly so far.  I would like to see some more interest from the International side, but I also haven't had time to send out personal invitations so I'm sure things will be fine.

    Feel free to spread the word about the tournament until I can.  =)

  • slor
    902 Posts
    Mon, Dec 14 2009 7:16 AM

    I have never played in my own comps either for the same reasons, niv. Anyway hi Niv - a couple of quick suggestions:


    • Why not call the 'National' Conference the 'American' Conference? It would cut down on any confusion (Which nation? Whose nation? etc....) 
    • If we aren't going to be assigned to divisions based on geography, then let's have more fun with it than just doing N/S/E/W. Maybe name them after your favourite cities? Maybe name them after legends of the game a la (or to be cuter, use Tibbets, AvatarLee, NASAgolfer, etc...) 
    • I'd be happy to host a second tier league for those (the next 32?) who didn't make the cut. Send me a private message to discuss.


  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Mon, Dec 14 2009 7:25 AM

    I'd be happy to host a second tier league for those (the next 32?) who didn't make the cut.

    What about non-Master players? Excluding them from this tourney sends the message, "Yes, it pays to be a cheater." (We know that legions of "Masters" on this site only advanced to that tier thanks to recording only their good scores.)

  • slor
    902 Posts
    Mon, Dec 14 2009 7:34 AM


    I'd be happy to host a second tier league for those (the next 32?) who didn't make the cut.

    What about non-Master players? Excluding them from this tourney sends the message, "Yes, it pays to be a cheater." (We know that legions of "Masters" on this site only advanced to that tier thanks to recording only their good scores.)

    Sorry, Faterson, the answer will be no for any 2nd tier as well should it be agreed between niv and myself (which it hasn't as of now).  If you continue to use the language you are using above, I will ask WGT to consider your comments under the 'Courtesy and Respect' heading of the Community Guidelines as I consider vaguely alluding to all masters as possible cheats disrespectful. If you know of individual members who are cheating, you have all my support to report them to WGT and get them out of the game. 

  • justquit
    46 Posts
    Mon, Dec 14 2009 7:36 AM

    thats what i meant

  • justquit
    46 Posts
    Mon, Dec 14 2009 7:42 AM

    ok is canada part of the national conference or do we get put with the other side

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Mon, Dec 14 2009 7:58 AM

    slor & justquit, "legions of Master players" is a synonym for "many Master players", it definitely doesn't mean "all Master players". Here is the dictionary definition of legion for you, see meaning no. 3 there. Kind of sad a foreign speaker needs to post that link here.

    No disrespect intended, I assure you. I said before I deplore, but respect Nivlac's decision to exclude non-Master players. It was your mention of a "second-tier contest", slor, that prompted me to ask, that's all.