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Alt Shot Games Again

Sun, Mar 14 2021 8:10 AM (5 replies)
  • kdownunder
    1,463 Posts
    Mon, Mar 8 2021 3:47 AM

    Hello WGT

    I am a long time player on here ... nearly 10 years!    I don't want to play stupid coin games with people playing on their mobile phones or tablets ... which seems to be where you are taking the game.    Most of them just use starter (free) balls and starter (free) clubs ... so I wonder at how tha works for your revenue model ... but maybe it's a long term plan that I don't understand.   I have nothing against them but it's a different game.

    So I would really like a few things back, given my disinterest in the above, and in a casino based and arcade game based game ....

    1.   Tell me when my friends are online and available or not available ... 

    2.  Give me an option to actually talk to some1 who invites me to a game to tell them that I will be available in "x" instead of just the 3 options

    3.  Give me an option to choose "any apparel" when setting up an Alt game ... 

    4.   Fix the chat so that it doesn't just die all the time.

    I don't know, maybe you want us all long time players that have have invested so many $ in this game, to leave.   Many have gone already.    Maybe your target market is just mobile & phone users & coin games , who when you can manage talk to them in that 45 second crap have never heard of the computer game...    

    But I can only tell you that you have many other people who play on this site for many many reasons that are not just about gambling, it is about the social connection, the challenge, the friends, the joy, the love of golf that is maybe not able to be played for real anymore.   That is why you built a following.  And maybe that would be of interest to Callaway.

    There are many more things that need fixing but this is my 3rd post in this vain to spend some time to fix the social side of the game.


  • Tepi62Ka
    321 Posts
    Mon, Mar 8 2021 7:35 AM


  • skccvb
    799 Posts
    Mon, Mar 8 2021 1:54 PM

    You said what many of us 'old-timers' have been thinking, Kay. 

    For me, the friends issue (everyone is green) is the most annoying.

    I should note that the "any" option for apparel boosts as you search, has been added.  However if you are setting a game, you as the organizer have to pick on or off, otherwise it would mean some do have the boost and some do not?

    And yes, the chat thing is a problem at times. 

  • Knockitoff
    79 Posts
    Tue, Mar 9 2021 10:57 PM

    AMEN!  Eye can't stand playing alone, and the cute little coin game crap should be relegated to it's own, rather than incorporated in the social format that Flash was so good at.

  • LuckyTaurus
    2,635 Posts
    Wed, Mar 10 2021 10:42 AM

    Agree,,, the social aspect of the game is fading fast an my members are losing interest

    Many times it takes us a half hour to finally find enuff to fill a game and invariably the game will crash at some pt in time

    and the clicking on an off the HUGE CHAT window with its tiny writing in gray on blue ruins the game itself ,, cant watch the game play with that chat box in ur face

    nothing will change as long as we continue to pay and pay so I am doing my own protest of using starter balls,,,,, hurt them in the pocket book an maybe things will change other wise our complaints are met with silence and  more apparel and gimmicks to win coins that are useless


  • TySrixon13
    161 Posts
    Sun, Mar 14 2021 8:10 AM

    Not trying to hi-jak this thread , but if anyone is interested in joining an online chat room to get some PC matches , here is a link to a post I`ve started to bump up the social aspect of the game...Thanks