pdb1: Somehow I don't think quitting and or forfeiting was ever an acceptable part of the game . Whether one values coins . Or values the format or not . Quitting can never end well in any format .
In the old days, we "conceded" the hole or match. I feel that sounds much more pleasing than "forfeit". It may be an euphemism, but a good one.
Last April, when I was new to Topgolf, I wrote the following in the CC's forum...
At first, I didn't think Topgolf would have anything better than what WGT Golf gave us...but they do. At least for me.
I "love" the "Head to Head" competition that they have when you sign in to the WGT Launcher. You play with "coins" (that they give you daily), to buy "Apparel" with.
This "apparel" increases in price as you increase your ability. You START at level 1, and can increase to level 10. The benefits you get at level 10 make you a TC even though your rank is TM.
Also, as I'm playing I check to see if the opposing player is with a CC then send him a membership request.
It's funny to see none of the players have ever seen a level 175 player (or a TC). Even for a TC, there's no sure thing for a win!!!
Try it....but...
DON'T GET ADDICTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Written on 4/29/21, and I still like H2H!