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Coin Room Capers - New country club now recruiting

Mon, May 3 2021 12:39 PM (31 replies)
  • Dneirf
    438 Posts
    Tue, Apr 13 2021 1:50 PM


    Small efficient country club open to all players of all levels and tiers.

    If you are an World Golf Tour Member, then you are welcome here!

    I need one full time Director to run this club, be in charge, and exercise ownership.

    You will be the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of Coin Room Capers.

    Please contact Dneirf if interested in this position.

    God Bless, -Dneirf (Owner - CRC)

  • Dneirf
    438 Posts
    Fri, Apr 16 2021 11:25 AM

    Nothing fancy here, just good ol World Golf Tour as we know it!

    No Discord or the like, no external links, no external Web Sites, just an good ol World Golf Tour country club as it was intended to be.

    Coin Room Capers is currently an blank canvas waiting for the right Director to shape it into an successful country club.

    I need one full time Director to get this club off the ground, to manage and run it, to be in charge, and to exercise ownership, please contact Dneirf if interested in this position. You will be the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of Coin Room Capers.

    God Bless, -Dneirf (Owner - CRC)

  • jacktrade51
    11,198 Posts
    Sun, Apr 18 2021 4:41 PM

    Not to sound really stupid, if you are recruiting a director to run the club, what is your role?  There are things directors cannot do that owners can.  So the director isn't really running the club.

    I'm an owner so I am just curious about your answer.


  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Sun, Apr 18 2021 6:45 PM

    Not to sound really stupid, if you are recruiting a director to run the club, what is your role?  There are things directors cannot do that owners can.  So the director isn't really running the club.

    I'm an owner so I am just curious about your answer.


  • Dneirf
    438 Posts
    Sun, Apr 18 2021 7:07 PM


    Not to sound really stupid, if you are recruiting a director to run the club, what is your role?  There are things directors cannot do that owners can.  So the director isn't really running the club.

    I'm an owner so I am just curious about your answer.


    Fair enough, and that is not an stupid question.

    My role at Coin Room Capers is just that "Owner"

    In other words and to clarify, Dneirf owns the club but Dneirf chooses not to be an active member of the club, for personal reasons.

    Therefore, my Main Full Time Director, in other words the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of Coin Room Capers will provide the Owner with instructions to execute actions when and where the Director can not execute actions, such as setting the defaults for all of the Club Tools/Owner Tools specifications.

    Look at it like this: The CEO runs the Bank, the Bank Owner is on permanent vacation in Las Vegas with his wife and mistrisses and children and pets and never visits the Bank.

    If the CEO needs to execute some action at the Bank that the CEO is not authorized to enforce then the CEO contacts the Owner of the Bank and the Owner of the Bank carries out the instructions dictated by the CEO.

    Please note that the CEO does not have the ability to contact the Owner via Discord or the like because Coin Room Capers is an ol fashioned World Golf Tour Country Club and contact can only be made via Personal Message or Wall Post or the new Country Club Chat if not of the private nature.

    Hope this satisfies your curiosity, but more importantly, I hope that you as Owner now see the light and will join Dneirf, The Bank Owner, and all of our wives, mistrisses, children, and pets in Las Vegas and help us smoke these big fat cigars while our country clubs grow.


    God Bless, -Dneirf

  • dhjam1
    588 Posts
    Mon, Apr 19 2021 12:16 AM

    So what is the starting salary of the full time Director (CEO) position?

  • Dneirf
    438 Posts
    Mon, Apr 19 2021 5:02 AM


    So what is the starting salary of the full time Director (CEO) position?

    The starting salary of the full time Director (CEO) position for Coin Room Capers begins with an unlimited supply of country club passes for use by the CEO at the discretion of the CEO within reasonable limits and use.

    The CEO of Coin Room Capers also elects any future Directors needed by the CEO to assist him or her in running and maintaining the club.

    Credits Wise, or in other words, "Creditsnancially", Dneirf is the Owner of Coin Room Capers. The first elected officer at Club Level 2 by the Owner, that's me, Dneirf, for Coin Room Capers, is the CEO of Coin Room Capers and runs the club at the discretion of the CEO, not the Owner.

    Unless of course the Owner desires to also act as CEO, whereas I choose not to act as CEO for personal reasons.

    So long as the CEO maintains an active membership for Coin Room Capers and maintains an club Level that is efficient and comfortable for the current mass of membership of Coin Room Capers, then, whatever the CEO needs from the Owner to maintain that club equilibrium, THE CEO GETS!

    Please feel free 'dhjam1' to apply for the CEO position here at Coin Room Capers.


    God Bless and thanks for your contribution to this Thread,

    -Dneirf (Owner - Coin Room Capers)

  • dhjam1
    588 Posts
    Tue, Apr 20 2021 1:32 PM


    The starting salary of the full time Director (CEO) position for Coin Room Capers begins with an unlimited supply of country club passes for use by the CEO at the discretion of the CEO within reasonable limits and use.

    I am confused if I have  an unlimited supply of c.c. passes , why would I  have to use within reasonable limits



    I do agree that it is good to be king. Therefore I will pass on being the king's serva.., I mean CEO, and just become a king myself by creating my own C.C.


    All the Best,


  • bossbird
    2,241 Posts
    Tue, Apr 20 2021 2:44 PM

    You seem to have created a few country clubs in the last couple of months , is this one here to last ? 

  • Dneirf
    438 Posts
    Tue, Apr 20 2021 7:25 PM

    ~snip~ I am confused if I have  an unlimited supply of c.c. passes , why would I  have to use within reasonable limits ~snip~

    Fair enough, good question [reasonable limits]

    Lets say there are 10 members out of an total of 30 members that always play in country club clashes and turf wars.

    My CEO contacts me and requests 50 country club passes to be distributed evenly among the 10 dedicated clash and turf war players for this weeks games.

    No problem, I let my CEO know that 50 country club passes have been gifted to all 10 members at 5 country club passes each.

    Now an few weeks later my CEO contacts me informing me that he or she recruited 2 new members and requests 10 country club passes to be distributed evenly among the 2 new members to get them started.

    No problem, same as above.....done.

    My CEO contacts me and requests 25 country club passes for personal use.

    No problem, same as above.....done.

    I pull the leaver on the slot machine in the Las Vegas Condominium we are living while vigorously puffing on an big fat Cuban cigar and my body guard informs me that my country club CEO needs to speak to me.

    Immediately without any hesitation I take the call from my CEO as $100,000.00 worth of COINS splash down on to the casino floor.

    My CEO requests 3000 country club passes to be distributed evenly among all 30 members, that would be 100 country club passes each.

    Reasonable Limits.....?????

    Yes, It's Good To Be King, however, unlike you, I need an CEO to run Coin Room Capers for me because I simply do not have the talent to do so. I do not know what I am missing or what I am lacking, I just don't know.

    Now, On the same tok... I mean COIN... LOL... some players do not desire to be country club owners and would rather serve as Directors instead, I an searching for that player!

    God Bless, -Dneirf