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Enhanced clubs in coin games

rated by 0 users
Mon, Jun 21 2021 10:16 PM (5 replies)
  • jacktrade51
    11,209 Posts
    Sun, Jun 20 2021 6:02 PM

    As a more traditional player, I have little use for enhanced clubs when I worked so hard to get the ones I have. 

    Still ...

    why is my enhanced driver worth 312 yards in some coin games and 303 in others?  Similarly, the 3w enhanced distance varies.  So what am I buying enhancements for when I do not get them all the time.

    (I cannot comment on irons/wedges since I have no enhanced distance on those.)


  • bossbird
    2,252 Posts
    Sun, Jun 20 2021 6:24 PM

    You don’t get the enhancements in tournaments , only in coin rooms and the clash. However I also notice that in some coin room matches for an unknown reason the enhancements are not showing, and against hacks, amateurs, pros .

  • Cicero733
    2,318 Posts
    Sun, Jun 20 2021 7:51 PM

    why is my enhanced driver worth 312 yards in some coin games and 303 in others?  Similarly, the 3w enhanced distance varies.  So what am I buying enhancements for when I do not get them all the time.

    You still have the distance provided by the apparel. The displayed number is a glitch and is not always correct; if your enhanced rated distance is 312, it remains 312 even if the display shows only 303. The only time your 312 distance is not correct is in the events you play in that do not permit apparel enhancements. Same for your 3wd.

  • Gepetto1958
    4,292 Posts
    Sun, Jun 20 2021 8:38 PM

    why is my enhanced driver worth 312 yards in some coin games and 303 in others?  Similarly, the 3w enhanced distance varies.

    Yep, known yardage bug but even if your distances change, tell yourself that you always stay at 312y for your driver. The same goes for your wood and irons etc. Cheers

  • jacktrade51
    11,209 Posts
    Sun, Jun 20 2021 8:42 PM

    Hey Boss.  I know that.  Coin games and clash only.  My gripe was my enhanced driver sometimes says 312 yards and other times says 303.  Same difference for 3w.

  • TheDudemeister69
    1,567 Posts
    Mon, Jun 21 2021 10:16 PM

    The glitch happens after you look at your opponent's apparel enhancements in their profile during the game - once you view their apparel, your equipment will show the distance ratings as though you had their apparel instead of what you actually have.  As has already been mentioned, your equipment will still perform properly, with your enhancements, it just displays the rated yardage incorrectly.