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Tear Down The Wall! Fresh Restart With Us!

Sun, Jul 4 2021 1:59 PM (1 replies)
  • Knuckwood
    445 Posts
    Sat, Jun 26 2021 6:56 AM

    West is the Best is a 30 member Level 10 Club that just finished 40th in the last Clash.

    We solidly support XP contributions. We will be a Level 11 Club in less than 6 months.

    We have no Directors. As the Owner, I like to keep it simple. Play and have fun.

    I can imagine the day when many Club members will appear on the Top 200 Earnings in WGT. So we will have 12 and 13 greens in hurricane winds in our Club Tournaments, just to keep things moving in the right direction. Even the Tour Masters dig it!

    If you like to play Clash and then relax for 2 weeks playing Ready Go or WGT Brackets, practice in Club Tournaments, and share the friendly banter, please come to West is the Best. We could use your help.

    Whether I want to or not, Top 30 in Clash is reachable. The Club members want to give that an honest try.



  • pjsbush74
    361 Posts
    Sun, Jul 4 2021 1:59 PM

    Good luck kev your by far the best owner I've come across in my time on wgt hope you guys get what you strive for