So, imagine you're a member in a really friendly Country Club. A nice mix of abilities, a core of around forty active players playing every day out of the seventy-odd members. Level 16 I think we were, held our own in Turf Wars unless we came up against those players who can score sixty five BILLION points!! We regularly finished in the top 100 in The Clashes we played which is fine as the most important thing was having fun playing the game without any undue pressure.
And then.... An email arrives telling you that the club has been closed down! No warning, it just shut down. What happened isn't important at this time, but the members scattered and for a few hours it was like someone had just turned off the light! Some of us regrouped and started a new Country Club which, in just over a week has managed to reach level 4 so at least I don't have a DIY shot meter stuck to my monitor!
We would like the Phoenix Bandits Country Club to grow into something special but we need some players. If you're not in a country club, or in a country club which doesn't satisfy your needs, play regularly and want to be part of our development, drop me a line and give us a go. We arrange lots of tournaments and member levels currently range from Tour Pro up to Champion. We are particularly looking for new players who would like somewhere to learn more about the finer points of the game and progress up through the ranks in a relaxed and friendly environment.
By the way... we're nothing to do with Phoenix, Arizona, more the bird from Greek mythology which rose from the ashes and well, the bandit part comes from the fact that we're a little bit better than we let on to be.... sometimes!
Look forward to hearing from you!