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Please downgrade my status from Masters

rated by 0 users
Fri, Apr 20 2012 7:02 AM (31 replies)
  • twichipper
    424 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2011 2:48 AM

    hi, I do agree with you if someone cannot play real golf due to health such as me, this game,becomes a passion, worth the money per month,vs paying for tee times and a cart for a round...:)


  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2011 3:33 AM

    This player like many others before him and those to come made the biggest fatal mistake in this game that all the newbie's make. He only Played the easy courses (see below). Like any good player they are going for that lower average to move up through the tiers without any idea the shocker they are setting themselves up for down the road. So now you are here, the game has gotten tough and your frustration level has gone through the roof. If you are looking for a quick fix or a demotion to a lower tier you can forget about that. So is there a fix? you bet your bottom dollar there is and here is what you have to work on

    Your equipment: Yes this game is about capitalism and making money if not the owners would never have created it. You need to figure out if you want to invest a little or not. At a minimum you should buy 2 things. A good driver and putter. The free offers take time to build up a decent amount of credits but there have been quite a few how have done that.

    Next, the 2 percentages below show that you moved up way to quick. You need to focus on your short game now. Both of these stats need to be in the 60%'s or better. Once you fix these you will find that your game will get a lot better.GL

    Sand Save %   19.17%
    Scrambling %   36.50%



    Kiawah Island: The Ocean Course Back 9 Tour Pro 33
    09.11.11 Kiawah Island: The Ocean Course Front 9 Tour Pro 38
    09.11.11 Kiawah Island: The Ocean Course Back 9 Tour Pro 38
    09.11.11 Kiawah Island: The Ocean Course Front 9 Tour Pro 38
    09.10.11 Nobody Doesn't Like Pie.... Full 18 All Players 72
    09.10.11 Kiawah Island: The Ocean Course Front 9 Tour Pro 37
    09.10.11 Nobody Doesn't Like Pie.... Full 18 All Players 74
    09.10.11 Nobody Doesn't Like Pie.... Full 18 All Players 75
    09.10.11 St Andrews Links: The Old Course Front 9 Tour Pro 36
    09.09.11 Kiawah Island: The Ocean Course Back 9 Tour Pro 36
    09.09.11 Kiawah Island: The Ocean Course Front 9 Tour Pro 37
    09.09.11 Kiawah Island: The Ocean Course Back 9 Tour Pro 35
    09.09.11 Kiawah Island: The Ocean Course Front 9 Tour Pro 37
    09.09.11 Sept Kush Full 18 All Players 71
    09.08.11 St Andrews Links: The Old Course Back 9 Tour Pro 37
    09.08.11 St Andrews Links: The Old Course Front 9 Tour Pro 36
    09.07.11 St Andrews Links: The Old Course Back 9 Tour Pro 39
    09.07.11 St Andrews Links: The Old Course Front 9 Tour Pro 35
    09.07.11 Kiawah Island: The Ocean Course Back 9 Tour Pro 39
    09.07.11 Kiawah Island: The Ocean Course Front 9 Tour Pro 35
    09.07.11 Kiawah Island: The Ocean Course Full 18 Tour Pro 70
    09.06.11 St Andrews Links: The Old Course Front 9 Tour Pro 40
    09.06.11 Kiawah Island: The Ocean Course Full 18 Tour Pro 70
    09.06.11 Kiawah Island: The Ocean Course Front 9 Tour Pro 37
    09.06.11 Kiawah Island: The Ocean Course Back 9 Tour Pro 35
    09.05.11 St Andrews Links: The Old Course Back 9 Tour Pro 35
    09.05.11 Kiawah Island: The Ocean Course Front 9 Tour Pro 38
    09.05.11 St Andrews Links: The Old Course Front 9 Tour Pro 34
    09.04.11 Kiawah Island: The Ocean Course Back 9 Tour Pro 38
    09.04.11 St Andrews Links: The Old Course Front 9 Tour Pro 38
    09.04.11 St Andrews Links: The Old Course Back 9 Tour Pro 38
    09.04.11 Kiawah Island: The Ocean Course Full 18 Tour Pro 74

  • Adamcp
    10 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2011 9:24 AM

    clubs don't actually wear out, do they?



  • 3puttsSuk
    361 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2011 9:55 AM

    A standard clubs member cannot play your game from the Masters tees

    You have made it clear that one can only play this game at the Masters level if one chooses to enrich your organization..

    You're obviously not interested in or willing to spend any money on virtual golf.  I don't blame you.  I'm sure you are aware of the many other ways of attaining credits here.  Also it appears you have no desire to upgrade any equipment (other than your Ping wedge)  So the question is, how do I enjoy the game with what I have?

    I see you belong to a Country Club, plently of variety in game choice there, depending on who's running it.  The simplest option is to set up Practice Rounds.  Pick your course, conditions, tee box.  If you enjoyed the game with the equipment you have at lower levels Practice Mode is your best solution.

    If you care to watch the simple videos and rack up some credits a little bit at a time maybe one day you'll have enough to redeem them for a driver or better 3W.  I like the 3W option can use it off the tee and again in the fairway + it's cheaper.

    Or throw up a sexy pic and  Enjoy it for what it is, a game.

  • briklin
    56 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2011 10:27 AM

    one qestion why cant wgt upp grade the rapture driver to forexample from 255 upp to at least 270 yards so u and me and others can b a master whitout the probs whit the fast meters like the G10,R9,G15 ns and more/ thanks for a very nice golf game do/briklin soon a master if u uppgrade


  • NoNepotism
    24 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2011 1:37 PM


    The game's owners make the game reliant on the purchase of equipment. Shot-making and creativity mean nothing, even at a lower ranking, when you're forced to hit a 225-yard driver into a 15 mph wind uphill on a 460-yard par 4 at Congressional or a 575-yard par 5 at Pinewood.

    All the sand saves and scrambling in the world won't help you get within 50 yards of the green in two on the par 4 or three on the par 5. Ergo, you suffer for your failure to enrich WGT's offshore holdings.

    Hence, at a real golf course, one can simply play from the standard tees, enjoy the game, and work on his/her short game/saves. Not so at WGT, where the player is moved back on the tees against his/her wishes and thus penalized for not compensating WGT's lucrative tax position.

    That's neither golf nor is it capitalism. That's oligarchy and/or fascism.

    Surely a Sarge can define those terms.

  • NoNepotism
    24 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2011 4:50 PM

    "This player like many others before him and those to come made the biggest fatal mistake in this game that all the newbie's make. He only Played the easy courses (see below). Like any good player they are going for that lower average to move up through the tiers without any idea the shocker they are setting themselves up for down the road."


    You'll also note that I only played St. Andrews and Kiawah AFTER becoming a Masters level player.

    I have no interest in Bethpage - that course is designed to separate the true shot-making of golf from the foolishness of Titanium and graphite clubs. Making par on a 500-yard par 4 shows no ability; it only proves one's foolishness and lust for bigger and more at the expense of class and style.

    Same goes for Congressional, where Tan Boy Boehner hangs out, and Oakmont. That's target golf. The designers/owners ought to put land mines in the bunkers, exploding pyrotechnics underneath the green, and IEDs in the rough. Players do not assume the challenge of golf at those sites; instead, they appeal to the lust for video games and the latest Testosterone movie at their local mall cinema.

    Royal St. George and St. Andrews offer links golf. Kiawah at least adheres somewhat to the true penalty v. reward basis of the sport.

    WGT and the real owners of these real courses simply ought to have naked Page 3 babes and/or Fox News girls hold the flag sticks at each hole and just complete the total perversion of the sport from one of skill and creativity to one of high-cost, science fiction clubs and mindless, banal (google it) children.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2011 7:55 PM


    clubs don't actually wear out, do they?



    only if you beat people about the head with them but even then it will take some doing. usually death will occur to the recipient long before the clubs wear out or break.



  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Sun, Oct 30 2011 3:26 AM

    Ohh God, you sound like those idiots on Occupy Wall Street. Dude its a game and only a game either penny up or walk.  

    That's neither golf nor is it capitalism. That's oligarchy and/or fascism.


    I offered you sound advice on how to play the game and you turned it into a political rant. Just an FYI WGT is located in San Francisco and I am quite sure that operating there is not cheap. As your other leanings here's a few people you should check up on and read some of their writings

    Fredrich Hayek
    Frederic Bastiat
    Alexis De Tocqueville
    And my all time favorite - Ayn Rand

    and on a final Note

    in the words of Andrew Wilkow _ Capitalism is boss!