"This player like many others before him and those to come made the
biggest fatal mistake in this game that all the newbie's make. He only
Played the easy courses (see below). Like any good player they are going
for that lower average to move up through the tiers without any idea
the shocker they are setting themselves up for down the road."
You'll also note that I only played St. Andrews and Kiawah AFTER becoming a Masters level player.
I have no interest in Bethpage - that course is designed to separate the true shot-making of golf from the foolishness of Titanium and graphite clubs. Making par on a 500-yard par 4 shows no ability; it only proves one's foolishness and lust for bigger and more at the expense of class and style.
Same goes for Congressional, where Tan Boy Boehner hangs out, and Oakmont. That's target golf. The designers/owners ought to put land mines in the bunkers, exploding pyrotechnics underneath the green, and IEDs in the rough. Players do not assume the challenge of golf at those sites; instead, they appeal to the lust for video games and the latest Testosterone movie at their local mall cinema.
Royal St. George and St. Andrews offer links golf. Kiawah at least adheres somewhat to the true penalty v. reward basis of the sport.
WGT and the real owners of these real courses simply ought to have naked Page 3 babes and/or Fox News girls hold the flag sticks at each hole and just complete the total perversion of the sport from one of skill and creativity to one of high-cost, science fiction clubs and mindless, banal (google it) children.