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Please downgrade my status from Masters

rated by 0 users
Fri, Apr 20 2012 7:02 AM (31 replies)
  • NoNepotism
    24 Posts
    Fri, Oct 28 2011 11:14 PM

    As a standard member, I am unable to reach even the fairway from the Masters tees on 2-4 holes on both the front and back nines at St. Andrews. Bethpage is impossible to play. Congressional is almost as bad.

    A standard clubs member cannot play your game from the Masters tees. Quite simply, 225 yards with a driver is useless on a 490-yard par 4 against a 30-mile-per-hour wind or a 555-yard par 5 against a 27-mile-per-hour wind.

    The game is no longer enjoyable. The game is impossible. It was bad enough to have to hit either a 3-wood, 190-yard fairway wood, or 3-iron at my prior Pro level, but that at least I could reach most par 4s in two (save Nos. 7 and 17 at St. Andrews, for example).

    You have made it clear that one can only play this game at the Masters level if one chooses to enrich your organization. Due to certain research and discussions about your organization and some of its associates with various federal and international agencies, one questions the moral and legal validity behind giving money to your group and some of its management figures - both domestic and otherwise.

    Please return my status to its prior level, thus making it possible for the game to be enjoyed.

    Thank you. 

  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2011 12:30 AM

    I think that would be  "Capitalism".   It's kinda' the norm over here babe.  : )




  • Adamcp
    10 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2011 1:00 AM

    I also was completely frustrated when i got bumped up to Master, my clubs were obsolete and, like you experienced, I essentially couldn't play.

    But I realized I had played the game at virtually no cost up until that point--pretty good deal for what I'm sure was/is a costly and labor intensive product to develop.

    I'm not about giving money away, but I think we are all getting a hell of a deal with WGT.

    Shell out 10 or 15 bucks and buy some clubs--it's probably around what it costs to pay one WGT employee to keep your game up and running for an hour.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2011 1:10 AM

    There comes a time when your clubs become past their use by dates... you need to upgrade or keep using your clubs and find other ways to get by...

    Good Luck


  • robdelahunty
    670 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2011 1:12 AM

    No 7 St A's Try full Backspin on your drive,esp if you facing a headwind!

    If you dont want to spend,hit the surveys,failing that write Santa a nice letter.

    Regards Robbo.

  • NoNepotism
    24 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2011 1:12 AM

    I understand your point, but one finds it hard, if not impossible, to in any way trust the ownership and management of WGT.

    Thank you for your time.

  • NoNepotism
    24 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2011 1:15 AM

    Capitalism is the norm.

    As is corruption.

    As is white-collar crime.

    As is the backdating of stock options.

    As is money laundering.

    As is the movement of certain products from Asia through Europe and Latin America to locations in North America.

    As is fraud.

    As is data-mining.

    As is the movement of funds to locations in the Cayman Islands, British Channel Islands, Bahamas, and elsewhere to avoid the formal record of said funds.

  • NoNepotism
    24 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2011 1:17 AM

    One finds it hard to financial support certain entities with, at best, rather murky financial records. AIG and Bear come to mind.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2011 1:56 AM


    No 7 St A's Try full Backspin on your drive,esp if you facing a headwind!

    If you dont want to spend,hit the surveys,failing that write Santa a nice letter.

    Regards Robbo.

    #7... I hated that hole when i first started I couldn't figure out how to get on the short stuff. I had to lash out and got the Rapture

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2011 2:22 AM


    Due to certain research and discussions about your organization and some of its associates with various federal and international agencies, one questions the moral and legal validity behind giving money to your group and some of its management figures - both domestic and otherwise.


    maybe you should practise harder and learn some skill.

    i actually think the game was great at master level with the standard clubs. andrews, which i've played in real life, can be a very difficult course to play and if the wind's blowing in your face you can simply forget about reaching many greens in regulation.

    the harder holes you will be lucky to bogey, the easier ones with wind in your favor you'll be lucky to make par.....very rarely you might birdie a hole due to extreme good fortune or getting a lucky bounce.

    one must remember.....WGT is a game......sure....but St Andies, Bethpage, Congressional, Kiawah, RSG & Oakmont are championship courses and championship courses are meant to be extremely difficult, not just drive/wedge/putt.
