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Yancy investigatables bureau - are dinosaurs still roaming the earth?

Sat, Dec 18 2021 11:00 PM (62 replies)
  • opyeuclid
    6,709 Posts
    Sat, Dec 18 2021 6:56 PM

    Iv not played a game in so long and think only a few with a Cookie since flash , Reasons be time do to life other than WGT like it once was , reason two was the 12 year itch ( give or take ) ,  And the old PC is / was OLD . 

    Word is from a friend of a friend who knows a Elf who knows something other than nothing about a hint or two of what is to be . The hint I got was you cant find if you cant search . And you cant search with out a score posted no matter the findind,s 

    Look out side the box of the gift Santa said . Some place other than here or there you just might  find what your looking for .




  • HamdenPro
    2,468 Posts
    Sat, Dec 18 2021 9:35 PM

    Strange, Google has English to every language translators' but has yet to develop an OPY to English.

    After reviewing many threads, I have finally been able to identify vowels which is making it somewhat easier.

  • HamdenPro
    2,468 Posts
    Sat, Dec 18 2021 11:00 PM

    go insearch of would it be the right thing to reboot the Yancy thread and post the new Team,s findings on a unfinished thread that needs a finish

    I am not sure what day it is, but I started early, and it is now 1:40 am and I just finished my examination of ancient records from 2/28/2018 through 6/5/2020 which covers the time period Yancy and his minions had been looking for the signs and most specifically the "signs" which are alleged to be on CB 8 and 9.  I say alleged because, in fact, there may be no signs at all.

    In deciphering all the intel, I am led to believe that heretofore undiscovered objects do exist on 8 and 9 but there is no guaranty that they are, in fact, signs. I mean, they are signs but may not actually be signs. What they are signs of, I cannot tell at this time.

    As commissioned to do so, I am going to resurrect the original thread which bears witness to not only the heroic exploits of brave souls who ventured on this mission in years past but also the demise of one Hello Kitty tent which, unfortunately was last seen in burnt tatters blowing across the tee box of the 18th hole. As an aside, I do not believe the cause of its demise was unknown to the owner who, allegedly at the time, was off raiding the club house for consumables and "Kart Kees". It is my guestimation that the owner, was most likely so trippin that he forgot he left the propane tent heater on and subsequently cast blame on unknowables and pixies.

    Of particular note, on page 7, a certain happymt has a post in which it appears he put a link that alludes to the sign on 8 but the link is gone as, with the demise of flash, all evidence has been washed away with bleachbit (and possible collusion) He alludes to the sign again on page 23. All in all, I do not trust this information to be reliable.

    I am now more than certain we will need Mr. Hope or, at a minimum, his last updated map showing the grids that have already been searched. I do not want to be the cause of brave folk to spend another two years chasing shadows.

    OK, it is time for me to bring the past to the present and revive the unfinished thread started back in 2018.......I have some ideas which I will post on the revived thread, see you there... OH, one more thing...

    We gonna need a bigger tent and lots more peeps.

    BTW: The old thread was buried in the Tournament Discussions Thread. A weird place to put it unless, of course, it is being hid from once may have been a majestic bird but now is just an ugly duck.

    EDIT: OK, I am done for now. Finished reviving old thread, it is 2:36 am....Time for indica and bed. ONO HP