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The Metaverse: A Brave New World or The Matrix for Beginners?

Fri, Feb 4 2022 1:05 PM (5 replies)
  • JessicaOfCourse
    43 Posts
    Fri, Oct 29 2021 8:43 AM


    The Metaverse: A Brave New World or The Matrix For Beginners

    29 Oct

    It's that time of the is Halloween.

    And for many seeking to find some stimulation arising from the emotion of "fear," we have a great candidate to distract us from COVID and politics: Facebook is going full "metaverse," rebranding itself as Meta. 

    Meta? And a Metaverse? That sounds like something Neo was told to unplug and avoid, right? What is the metaverse that Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg is embracing?

    Some define the "metaverse" as "a virtual-reality space in which users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users." But can something as broad and expansive as "metaverse" be easily defined at this point of our experience with it? And in this vague definition, are there things to fear as much as something that goes bump in the night?

    You betcha. 

    Facebook is betting its future on this virtual and augmented reality where users can live a virtual life through avatars. Why would one of the biggest corporations (yes, Facebook is a business, operating for profit) rebrand itself when it has a virtual (sorry for the pun) monopoly on the social media platforms?

    Facebook has been roundly criticized--especially of late--for failing to heed its own research that its platforms (including Instagram) can cause exceptional harm to people...and even democracy. So is rebranding an attempt to change a term like "cancer" to "cell abnormalities"? It's more than a name--and this has been in the planning stages for some time. Meta is the next step--like moving from painkillers to heroin. 

    And...lest we forget... it's always about money.

    As noted, Facebook is a corporation. And corporations have one motive--to be profitable. Mark Zuckerberg is one of the wealthiest people on the planet. Before you think a terrible haircut and a black t-shirt gives him the agency to pass himself off as an everyday sort of person, let's remember his track record and how Facebook and Instagram have impacted our world.

    Lies have become virtual truths. Hate has been fueled by virtual circles built on falsehoods. It's what people do...when they join cults. They lose all independent reason and logic. Ethics, morals, and empathy are the first victims of online mob slaughter. Elections have become something more reminiscent of Medieval jousting events. Shouting over others is the enhanced skill--listening has essentially...and virtually...died. 

    So you ask why be frightened about a world where people live in space created by Facebook using avatars? Because this world of virtual reality will likely become a reality for billions. 

    And that is scary. 

    Zuckerberg can be described in many ways, but he is accomplished at creating products that serve as magnets for billions. Meta will ultimately have billions of users.

    And that frightens me.

    This supposedly brave new world where people interact using a virtual "safe" space only fuels the continued path away from any humane world of interacting face-to-face with empathy, compassion, and justice. If you think what you're experiencing in this world of heads-down, phone-focused, non-human interaction is frightening, just wait till you walk into a room and see people--your children...grandchildren...even your spouse...people you love--completely immersed (one of the critical terms Zuckerberg is using to describe "Meta") in the Meta world. And if you want to interact with them--put on your headset, headphones and buckle up.  

    This meta-universe...beyond universe...frightens me. Our culture has continued a rapid slide into a dark place where reality is not welcomed. A space to immerse yourself in virtual reality is precisely what social media addicts's heroin for the virtual soul.

    Feed the beast? Meta serves up a hot platter of virtual drugs.

    And who does Meta target? Younger people. Facebook's users are aging and evidently not as profitable if you do the Facebook money math. Meta gives them a way to hook kids--just like cigarettes did decades ago--at a young age. 

    Yes...the pandemic is scary. But Meta as envisioned by Zuckerberg?

    Meta is frightening.




  • el3n1
    4,502 Posts
    Tue, Nov 9 2021 9:16 AM

    sounds a bit like Brave New World with 1984 and Amusing Ourselves to Death mixed in.  (Huxley, Orwell, Postman).

    Tristan Harris has been interviewed a bit more on the ethics and influence of social media and also in the 60 Minutes episode described awhile back as "brain hacking" which draws upon addictive like behaviors to keep people engaged - you can even observe elements discussed in various ways on WGT which is no surprise.

    So, elements of the metaverse are already being used and utilized in tech, gaming, and social networking.  The question or challenge may be how to navigate or live meaningful lives amidst the "distractions" that try to lure people away from working together cooperatively versus being divisive and at odds with one another.

  • JessicaOfCourse
    43 Posts
    Wed, Nov 10 2021 5:20 AM

    Excellent points! Tristan Harris has been spot-on in highlighting the inherent risks from his own experiences and the mounting research (in some cases, research by the social media companies.) For me this sounds like another step--the gateway drugs that escalate addiction. The continued step away from reality to virtual reality is concerning. As a mother of two I am concerned where this is going--the world they will live in will be vastly different than the one we are in at present. And that is frightening for me, and worth the time to do what Tristan and others have continued to do, speak out. Thank you so much for giving your time to respond, wishing you and yours health, happiness and peace, Jessica

  • JessicaOfCourse
    43 Posts
    Fri, Feb 4 2022 7:08 AM

    As a follow-up to the post I wrote three months ago... I guess it is a reminder that creating a fake universe possibly foreshadows the faux stock value.

    Yesterday our little friends at #META took a harsh reality-check 

    It's not over, I'm sure. Faux evaluations tend to resurface like a weed in the stock market

    For all of you wanting to go riskier than #BITCOIN try META ... it is waiting for buyers lol



  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, Feb 4 2022 8:35 AM


    As a follow-up to the post I wrote three months ago... I guess it is a reminder that creating a fake universe possibly foreshadows the faux stock value.

    Yesterday our little friends at #META took a harsh reality-check 

    It's not over, I'm sure. Faux evaluations tend to resurface like a weed in the stock market

    For all of you wanting to go riskier than #BITCOIN try META ... it is waiting for buyers lol



    Yup ^^^. My mutual funds took a hammering, and I don't think I even own facebook (or whatever). The whole market tanked. How can one company (even a big one) have so much impact?


  • Acats
    22 Posts
    Fri, Feb 4 2022 1:05 PM

    Thank you so much for your research and your insight on this very scary fake universe.  You are right...Covid holds no candle to the disease that this could unleash.  Your shared wisdom and concern is very much appreciated.  You are a very thoughtful and intelligent lady...Please know...You are very much admired.
