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Daily accumulation plus bonus exp

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Mon, Nov 8 2021 11:18 PM (6 replies)
  • Chopper1953
    92 Posts
    Fri, Nov 5 2021 1:45 PM

    I have read all the posts that I could find on this subject but I still have questions.

    What type of round do I have to play to get the max bonus every day?

    9 hole par 3, 18 hole par 3..... ????????

    If I play one of the coin rooms first, will I get the max bonus.?

     I am presently at approximately 2018 days so the regular bonus is app 6380 ???

    I used to play a 9 hole par 3 course that was set-up by the country club to get your daily exp plus bonus. For the 9 hole par 3, I was getting approximately 17600 exp. 

    Last night I played a 9 hole par 3 ranked course and got a whopping 256 points, really not worth playing.

    If someone could give me the full explanation or tell me where to find it, it would be appreciated.

    Thanks Bob

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Sat, Nov 6 2021 11:01 AM

    You get the CDP (Continuous Days Played) bonus on the first game played after the clock resets. It doesn't mater what type of game is played. In fact all you need to do to get the bonus is hit one ball off the tee then end the round.

    To see what time your clock resets @ (it's dependent on time zone you're in) go to the Daily Bonus tab on bottom right of main game screen. It will say Next Day In with a timer. That is when yours resets. If it says Play a Game Today, then you have until the timer ends to play your current CDP. If it says Play a Game Tomorrow, then you have already played your CDP for today and need to wait until the timer counts down for it to reset.

    The best game to play would be an 18 hole round of Best of Par 5 as it will have the most strokes. The reason you only got 256 XP points on your round was because you had already played your CDP.

    Also, you do not get any extra XP points for playing a CC tournament. You get your bonus CC points on ALL round regardless of what they are. The Par 3 "XP" round in your CC is made because it's the fastest round to play (least amount of strokes) so it allows you to play multiple rounds in the least amount of time.

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Sat, Nov 6 2021 12:05 PM

    The best game to play would be an 18 hole round of Best of Par 5 as it will have the most strokes.
    To be precise, a tournament on the full Bo5 would max out the points with a CC pass in solo play, since the basic points would be doubled, 400 instead of 200.

    Next, any 18 hole tournament,

    then, a regular Bo5 round of 18 holes.

    Formerly, a group of friends would regularily play 18 holes as a four player multiplayer round - gives a different bonus boost but lasts "forever".

    Anyway, the most important part is the player's first shot - it secures the CDP bonus and perpetuation!

  • jacktrade51
    11,211 Posts
    Sun, Nov 7 2021 7:24 PM


    once you are up to 2000 or so consecutive days (really 100), don't worry about the round you play.  The bonus dwarfs everything else.  So just keep the CDP going.

    But to be specific, 18 hole scored rounds are worth more than 9 hole rounds, AS matches can be better or worse than 9 hole rounds depending on how long the match lasts (win or lose).  Practice rounds are worth less.

    In multi-player games, every stroke counts whether it is yours or your opponents.



  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Mon, Nov 8 2021 2:37 AM

    Practice rounds are worth less.
    ... if they run over less holes.

    In stroke play, it's 90 XPs for 9 hole practice or ranked rounds, 180 XPs for a tournament.

    Over 18 holes, it's 200 for practice or ranked, 400 for tournament.

    A 3 hole random round (only practice) gives 30 XPs IIRC.

  • Chopper1953
    92 Posts
    Mon, Nov 8 2021 1:01 PM

    Thanks for them info. I was playing par3, 9 hole courses as my bonus and I was getting almost 17000 credits. So if I play an 18 hole round, it will be higher than that??? I hate 18 hole courses. They get long and boring if you screw up a early hole. 

    I need to get up one level to 102 so I can buy a better driver.

    Thanks again. Bob

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Mon, Nov 8 2021 11:18 PM

    I was playing par3, 9 hole courses as my bonus and I was getting almost 17000 credits. So if I play an 18 hole round, it will be higher than that???
    It will be a meagre boost, probably not worth your bad mood.

    24 shots (-3 to Par) in a 9 hole tournament give you 204 XPs while 66 shots (-6 to Par) over 18 holes give you 466 XPs, plus the odd bonus %%.

    I can't tell how you received 17,000 XPs (?) - 2020 days would be 6,940 XPs, and 2000 days was 21,760 XPs as a singular extra bonus. Anyway, it's way more than the XPs for the round.

    As Jacktrade51 said, the important part is to preserve the continuity of the CDP (*) - nothing else matters regarding your goal of L102!
    (*) Continuous Days Played bonus

    I'm playing random courses and rounds as the first game of the day for the CDP and frequently abort them after the first tee shot. Minimum effort with maximum result concerning the CDP, and then I'm free to play whatever I like! WGT's "Weekly" or "Monthly" 9 hole tournaments are a favourite of mine, or CC tournaments on regular courses. These count towards the average AND grant a fair amount of XPs.


    Please allow some side remarks:

    - The focus on CDP doesn't change even if you use CC passes to support your CC. At CC L20, there's nothing more to achieve.

    - Looks like you play a Par3 Custom Course, "Par 3 XP". Please note that's a double whammy to average advancement - neither Par3s nor Custom Course scores count to the average (and tiering, eventually). Same applies to Par5s which we mentioned earlier.

    - curious about the driver upgrade: What will you gain by 9(!) yds more tee length, as a Master? Will this be worth 55 $?