Chopper1953: I was playing par3, 9 hole courses as my bonus and I was getting almost 17000 credits. So if I play an 18 hole round, it will be higher than that???
It will be a meagre boost, probably not worth your bad mood.
24 shots (-3 to Par) in a 9 hole tournament give you 204 XPs while 66 shots (-6 to Par) over 18 holes give you 466 XPs, plus the odd bonus %%.
I can't tell how you received 17,000 XPs (?) - 2020 days would be 6,940 XPs, and 2000 days was 21,760 XPs as a singular extra bonus. Anyway, it's way more than the XPs for the round.
As Jacktrade51 said, the important part is to preserve the continuity of the CDP (*) - nothing else matters regarding your goal of L102!
(*) Continuous Days Played bonus
I'm playing random courses and rounds as the first game of the day for the CDP and frequently abort them after the first tee shot. Minimum effort with maximum result concerning the CDP, and then I'm free to play whatever I like! WGT's "Weekly" or "Monthly" 9 hole tournaments are a favourite of mine, or CC tournaments on regular courses. These count towards the average AND grant a fair amount of XPs.
Please allow some side remarks:
- The focus on CDP doesn't change even if you use CC passes to support your CC. At CC L20, there's nothing more to achieve.
- Looks like you play a Par3 Custom Course, "Par 3 XP". Please note that's a double whammy to average advancement - neither Par3s nor Custom Course scores count to the average (and tiering, eventually). Same applies to Par5s which we mentioned earlier.
- curious about the driver upgrade: What will you gain by 9(!) yds more tee length, as a Master? Will this be worth 55 $?